Blank Space

130 4 0

November 23rd, 2020
Miley's POV

"Mommy!" I head Jessica yell from outside my room.

"Coming Jessy." I say. I walk out of my room and Jessica was in the living room. "What's up? And you gotta be quiet, the babies are asleep."

"Someone knocked." Then she points to the door. I walk to the door, open it, and Liam was standing there.

"Hey. You are awake. I was figuring you'd be asleep." Liam says.

"With three kids? Sleeping in?" I ask. "Please." Then I roll my eyes.

"What, you can't sleep in?"

"No. Not with three kids, all under three."

"How were the twins? They wake you up a lot?" He asks.

"Yeah, they woke me up a lot. They were hungry, they needed diapers changed, and they were hungry again. Then they needed another diaper change."

"Wow, I'm sorry. Did they wake you up? I don't see them."

"No, they didn't wake me up. It was Jessy. She woke me up cause there was a knock on the door." I reply.

"Jessy, why did you wake up mommy?" Liam asks Jessica.

"You came!" She exclaims.

"I guess that's a good reason." Liam says with a smile. Then I hear one of the babies starting to cry.

"I'm gonna go get them, why don't you sit with Jessy?"

"No, I'll help you. It is your birthday after all."

"Thanks Liam." Then Liam nods, and we go to get the twins.

When we got back into the living room with the babies, I sat down on the couch. Liam was holding Leonardo, and I was holding Cecilia. Liam handed me Leonardo, then sat next to me.

"I like it." Liam says.

"Like what?"

"Seeing this. You holding the babies."

"Oh, yeah." I agree. "I'm glad they stopped crying."

"Looks like they just wanted their mom."

"I guess."

"You guess?" He asks.

"Well, I don't know. They don't always want me."

"But they do right now."

"Okay, I guess you're right. But they need their diapers changed. Will you take Leonardo?" I reply, then he nods.

He takes Leonardo out of my arms and I stand up. We walk to the babies' room and put the babies on their changing tables. While we were changing them, Jessica walked into the room.

"What's up Jessy?" I ask.

"What you doing?" She asks me.

"Changing your siblings."

"Mommy I'm hungry."

"I'll get you something, just let me change your brother." Liam says.

"Thanks Liam."

"No problem Miley."

After we were done changing the babies, Liam and I put the twins in their bassinets. I sat on the couch and watched them, while Liam made Jessica some food. He walked into the living room and sat next to me on the couch.

"She sure is growing up." Liam says. "She's now in a bed, and a booster seat at the table."

"I know. Almost three too."

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