Part 8

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Anna's pov

Monday evening

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Monday evening

i stared at my phone nervously, any minute micah would be pulling into my driveway. i was a nervous wreck, i didnt know whether to keep what happened between me and aaron to myself or to tell micah the truth.

Beep! beep!

oh god hes here... here goes nothing.

micah smiled at me as i made my way to his car. "ive missed you so much" micah said pulling me into a hug. i hug him tightly and inhale his warm familiar scent.

"ive missed you too... come on we can talk in my room" i said pulling away and grabbing his hand.


" i feel like i havent been in your house in so long" micah said walking through the door.

before i could respond my mom appeared out of nowhere cutting me off. " micah!  im so glad to see you. its been forever" she said pulling him into a hug.

i roll my eyes, shes so dramatic. " i know it does feel like its been forever. im sorry about that i just have alot going on recently" micah explained.

"i understand, just dont be a stranger. your the only guy i actually like with my daughter" she said bluntly.

i look at her in disbelief as micah chuckles. " i appreciate that miss myers. ill try to come over more often" he reassures her.

"okay enough, we'll be upstairs if you need us" i said pulling on micah's arm.

"ok sweetie, make sure you close your door if you decide to do anything and use protection. i put a fresh pack of condoms in your drawer" she said casually.

"mom!" i say in horror. micah just laughs.

"what? safe sex is the best sex. you and micah would make some cute babies but im not quite ready for grand children yet" she said.

i shake my head." your something else" i mumble.

a few seconds later  we make it to my room. i let micah enter first before closing the door behind me.

"ive missed your mom, i forgot how funny she is" he said clearly amused.

i roll my eyes." shes out of line thats what she is" i say.

"soooo... " micah mumbles.

"so" i repeat.

"look anna im sorry about the way i handled things between us. it was wrong and immature. i let my insecurites get the best of me and for that im sorry. your the best girlfriend in the world i should know better then to ever doubt your loyalty " micah said.

damn... the more micah talked the more i felt like a sack of shit. here micah was apologizing when really i should be the one apologizing.

"i guess all i really want to know is will you take me back?" he asked.

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