Part 29

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Anna's pov

A few days later

"you are to appear in court two weeks from now" as i read the letter i could feel myself becoming more and more angry.

Aaron was really taking me to court. i cant believe this is happening. " i cant believe this why is aaron being such a dick" my mom said.

"Because he's a jealous asshole thats why" i said angrily.

"Dont worry sweetheart i wont let him take raylin. we can fight this" she said.

I shook my head." no we cant, Aaron has way more money then me and a whole bunch of lawyers. we can barely afford one" i say.

"Sometimes it doesnt matter about who has more money. if you can prove to the judge your a responsible parent aaron wont be able to get full custody" she said.

"i am a good parent, i shouldnt have to prove shit to a whole bunch of strangers " i said angrily.

My mom gave me a sympathetic look. " i know honey but right now you have to be strong. for yourself and raylin" she said.

I sigh. i knew she was right i couldnt afford to lose my cool. " Your right mom" i tell her.

"Good, now get your butt to work before your late and dont worry ill pick up raylin from school" she said.

I smile. " thanks mom"


Micah's pov

" so this is a three bedroom condo, with carpeting and two bathrooms" the real estate agent said.

I looked around, it was really nice." so how much are you selling it for" i ask.

"Right now its on the market for two thousand" she said.

Lacy scoffed." Micah i dont like it. i thought we were going house hunting not apartment hunting" she whined.

I roll my eyes." i dont need a big ass house, i dont have a big ass family. im having one kid, a condo is more than enough to raise a child in" i tell her.

Lacy sucked her teeth." dont i get a say in this?" she said.

"your not paying for shit so no" i said.

she glared at me but remained silent. Thats what i thought. " is it ok if i think it over for a few days?" i asked the agent.

"Of course heres my card" she said. after taking her card i tell her ill be in touch and leave.


"How was it? did you find a place you like?" dad asked.

" no" lacy pouted.

i roll my eyes." yeah i did. it was a three bedroom condo, i think its enough space for the baby " i tell him.

"I cant believe your having a baby. it seems like just yesterday you were a baby your self" dad said.

I chuckle." yeah i know your getting old" i joked.

Dad rolled his eyes." i still look good though"he said.

"So conceited" armani said walking in the kitchen.

She glared at lacy before giving me a smile. " did you find a place?" she asked.

"For the most part yeah, i told the agent i would get back to her in a few days" i said.

"Its just a boring ass condo its not that impressive. i wanted a house like this but micah wanted to be difficult" lacy whined.

Both my dad and armani looked at her like she was crazy." Micah i cant believe you got this gold digging bitch pregnant " armani said.

"Armani dont talk like that" dad said.

"its true daddy, we all know it. i find it funny how she miraculously became pregnant after seeing micah with anna" she said.

"ive been  pregnant for a month i was just scared to tell him" lacy said.

Armani rolled her eyes." yeah right. for all we know this baby might not even be my brother's, your just saying that because micah has money" she accused.

"How dare you! this is micah's baby whether you like it or not. this baby will be apart of this family and theres nothing you can do about it" lacy said.

"Oh yeah? wanna bet" armani said.

"Thats enough you two" dad said.

Lacy shakes her head and storms out." you really need to get a paternity test micah. i dont trust that hoe" armani said.

"Mani trust me lacy may be annoying and a little stuck up but i dont think shes the type to pin a baby on me" i say.

"If you say so" she said exiting the kitchen.

I could feel a small seed of doubt growing inside me.


Aaron's pov

"Aaron are you sure you want to take this to court?" my mother asked.

"Yes im sick of anna not respecting my wishes" i told her.

"Are you really doing this because of raylin or is this personal" she said.

"For raylin of course" i said.

"Im your mother i know when your lying. i know you love anna son but maybe you need to move on. their are plenty of girls who would love to be with you. your letting your hurt feelings control your actions" she said.

"Mary hush, i support aaron getting full custody of raylin. My grand daughter doesnt need to be around that whore" dad said.

"Shes not a whore Aiden. shes a single mother if she wants to date other people she has that right" mom said.

"Why are you defending her?" i said angrily.

"Because this isnt right. Anna is a sweet girl, she doesnt deserve this" mom said.

"Son dont listen to your mother, she's just in her feelings. you know typical female stuff" dad said.

"Dont tell my son that. how dare you belittle me in front of him like that" she said.

" im not belittling you. im just saying you shouldnt speak on things you know nothing about" dad said.

"This is why aaron has this sense of entitlement. look at the way you treat me, he's treating anna the same way" mom said.

"I dont want to fight mary. just stay out of this let me and aaron handle this" dad said.

My mother shook her head." Aaron i hope you know what your doing. if you go through with this you'll be ruining two lives" she said.

i remain silent as my mother walks off.

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