Part 30

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Micah's pov

Me- why are you ignoring me?

Anna😏😜- im not. im just dealing with alot right now

Me- like?

Anna😏😜- no offense but its really none of your concern

Me- Did i do something wrong? why are you mad at me?😯

Anna😏😜- i think its best we dont see each other anymore. you need to be there for lacy and i refuse to be your side chick

Me- your not my side chick.... i love you anna

Anna read the message but left me on seen. I would have to go see her in person, there's no way im  just gonna leave things like this.

"micah can i talk to you?" i turned around to see my dad standing in the doorway.

"What's up pops?"

"Its about lacy, what do you think about this whole pregnancy. do you think this baby could be yours?" he said.

"Well yeah i dont think lacy is capable of pinning a baby on me. Shes a sweet girl" i said.

" i just dont want you to get tricked by some gold digger" he said.

"So you agree with armani? you think she's playing me?" i ask.

"I dont know i just find it weird how she's suddenly 1 month pregnant. plus i have noticed she has certain ways about her that scream gold digger" he said.

Now that i think about it, lacy did have expensive taste. "Now that you mention it i have noticed her expensive taste " i told him.

"Just be careful. Alot of women in this day and age are just after a man's money" he said.

"Dont worry dad , i got this" i told him.

"Ok, one more thing. are you messing around with anna?" he said.

I look at him in shock. " what makes you think that?" i said nervously.

Dad smirked." your my son your more like me then you think. Trust me son your playing with fire, if you want to be with anna then you need to end things with lacy. Messing with both of them is just gonna break their hearts in the end. and trust me nothing good ever comes from playing with someone's feelings" he said.

"Your right, im just scared anna is gonna hurt me again. i dont know if i can go through that pain again" i admit.

"Love is all about taking chances micah. me and your mom went through our ups and downs but in the end we got back together before she died" dad said.

I smile as i think about my mother." i miss her"i say.

"Me too... but i know shes watching over us. so lets try to make her proud" he said.


Aaron's pov

After picking raylin up from school i brought her to the house and made some food.

"Raylin how would you feel about living with daddy?" i ask.

Raylin looked confused by my question." why would i live with you? i live with mommy" she said.

" i know but dont you like daddy's house better?" i said.

"Yeah" she said.

"So do you want to live with me?" i said.

Raylin frowned." no i wanna stay with mommy" she whined.

I sigh. " raylin you cant stay with your mom anymore" i said sternly.

"why?!" she said raising her voice.

"Dont yell at me young lady, your coming to live with me end of discussion " i said.

"I hate you daddy!" before i could say anything raylin ran off.

Just great first my mom is mad at me and now my daughter hates me. if getting full custody of raylin meant her hating me then i dont think i wanna do this anymore.


"Aaron what are you doing here?" anna said.

After that disaster with raylin i decided to drop the whole custody thing. It wasnt worth my daughter hating me.

"I came to talk to you" i said.

"The last time we talked you threatened to take raylin away from me" she said.

I sigh." i know and im sorry for that. it was wrong of me, you dont have to worry about that im dropping the case" i said.

"Really?" she said.

"Yeah i was doing it to hurt you. i was just so tired of you shitting on my feelings i guess i got fed up" i admit.

"You really love me huh?" she said.

I smile sadly. " yes i do very much. i know the way i went about things was wrong. i just loved you so much i was willing to do anything to have you" i explain.

To my surprise anna smiled." you know your actually sweet when your not being a psycho" she joked.

i blush." thanks... anyways i just came to tell you that. Enjoy the rest of your night" i said preparing to leave.

"Aaron... lets go on a date" anna said.

I froze." what?" i said.

Anna chuckled." lets go on a date. ive spent so much time being angry and resenting you that i never really gave you a chance to express your feelings. Maybe we should explore this thing between us, i do feel something for you i just dont know what it is yet" she says.

I grin." are you serious? your not messing with me?" i said happily.

"No im serious, besides we owe it to raylin to give her a real family " she said.

"I dont know what to say right now im speechless. One chance is all i need, i promise ill make you happy anna" i say.

"We'll see. I'll let you know when im free" she said.

i told her ok and we went our seperate ways.

I cant believe this is happening, im going on a date with anna.

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