Part 34

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Micah's pov

"Thanks for coming over" anna said. i smile as i pull her into my chest.

"of course, im always here for you. how are you holding up?" i said.

Anna sighed." i feel shitty, how can i look raylin in her eyes knowing what i caused" she said.

"Its not your fault anna, so dont beat yourself up over it. That was his choice, you had no control over that" i said.

"im the reason he did this" she said.

"He's still alive and raylin still has a dad. that's what's important " i said.

"I guess your right. my head is hurting from all this drama and i feel nauseous" anna said.

"Come on lets get you in bed, ill hold you while you sleep" i told her.

"Im really glad you came" she said.

"I'll always be here for you anna "


The next morning

I was woken up out of my sleep by the sound of gagging. I slowly climb out of bed and rub my eyes.

"Anna?" i called out.

The only answer was more gagging. i walk across the room and into the bathroom.

As i stand in the doorway i see anna hunched over the toilet bowl. "Anna whats wrong? " i ask.

Anna groans and wipes her mouth." i dont know i just felt sick this morning " she said.

"Was it something you ate?" i ask.

She shook her head." i doubt it, i havent felt this sick since.." she trailed off.

"Since what? " i ask.

"Since i was pregnant with raylin" she mumbled.

I could literally feel my heart drop to my ass.


Aaron's pov

"how are you feeling aaron?" my doctor asked.

" im okay, just a little light headed " i admit.

"well thats to be expected, you still have some of the pills in your system. they should be gone in a few more days" the doctor said.

"Thats good to hear, will i be discharged soon?" i ask.

"Unfortunately no, we still need to keep you under surveillance for another week or so" the doctor said.

I shook my head." doc i cant stay here, staying in this hospital is driving me crazy " i tell him.

"i know aaron but we're doing this for your own good. if you want i can move you to one of our more comfortable facilities. its kind of like a rehab center for people like you" he said.

People like me? whatever that means." anything is better then here, when can i be moved?" i said.

" by tomorrow morning so until then try to manage " the doctor said.

After going over a few more things the doctor leaves me to my thoughts.

"Daddy!" a voice shouts. i look up to see raylin standing in the door way.

A big smile appears on my face." Hey baby girl!" i said holding my arms out.

She dashed over to me and jumped into my arms." Im glad your okay daddy " she said.

"Me too, im happy you came to see me" i told her.

She smiled at me." mommy brought me" she said pointing to the door.

I looked in the direction she was pointing and saw anna standing in the door way.

"Hey" she said quietly. Something seemed off about her, she looked unwell.

"Hey, thanks for bringing raylin to see me" i told her.

"Of course, i would never keep her away from you" anna said.

"I know you wouldnt and thats what i appreciate about you. you've always been a good mother to raylin and im grateful for that" i said.

Before she could respond my mom entered the room. " hello anna, thank you for coming" mom said.

"Of course" anna said.

"Hi grandma" raylin said.

Mom smiled." hi sweetie, ive missed you. come give me a hug" she said.

Raylin jumped out of my arms and ran to my mom. I smiled as raylin hugged my mom.

After a few minutes of silence i guess my mother realized the tension between me and anna." come on ray lets go get some food for daddy " mom suggested.

Raylin nodded her head." ok we'll be back daddy " she said.

After watching them leave i turn my attention back to anna.

"I guess we should talk"


"Aaron i am so sorry, this all happened because of my carelessness " anna said.

I shook my head." none of this is your fault. me trying to kill my self was a personal issue, i let my emotions overwhelm me" i explain.

Anna sniffled and i realized she was crying." i just feel so bad" she cried.

I gently wipe the tears from her face." dont cry, your making me feel bad" i said.

"Im sorry, i was just worried about you " she said.

It made me feel good to know that anna was worried about me. "Im sorry i put you through this, it was selfish of me to do this. i should've thought about raylin and how this would affect her" i said.

"You were hurting, you just wanted the pain to stop" anna said.

"That may be true but thats no excuse for my actions " i said.

"You seem different aaron" anna observed.

I laugh." yeah i guess you can say this near death experience has opened my eyes" i said.

"Well im glad your okay" anna said grabbing my hand.

I squeeze her hand back." me too, all i want to do is move forward from this. Anna im being moved to a rehab facility tomorrow, i would appreciate it if you could bring raylin to visit me there" i said.

"Of course but how long will you be there for?" she asked.

i stood quiet as i thought  about her question.

"For how ever long it takes to get better"


Anna's pov

After spending a few hours at the hospital with Aaron i allowed raylin to go home with her grandmother. I knew she was missing her grandparents and i needed the break.

After making a quick stop at the store i headed straight home.

"Please god, let me not be pregnant" i whispered under my breath.

15 minutes later...

I nervously shake my  foot as i wait for the results.

Beep beep!

I quickly grab the pregnancy stick and read the screen.


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