Part 40

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Anna's pov

I avoided Micah's gaze." Ive been busy" i mumbled.

" cut the bullshit anna, im tired of hearing that weak ass excuse" he said angrily.

"Its not an excuse, look im sorry that i havent been around. Its just with colson's tour things have been hectic" i explain.

"Nobody told you to be a damn groupie and run after him" micah said.

"Look he's a good man, he treats me well" i said.

"Good man my ass, i dont respect any man that takes away my daughter's mother. No real man would be okay allowing their spouse to neglect their kids" he said.

Thats because he doesn't know i have kids i thought to myself. "Hes the one that encouraged me to come here" i lied.

"Nobody should have to encourage you to see your own damn kids. im really tired of having this conversation with you, if you dont want to be apart of Raylin or Kaylee's life just sign over your rights. Me and aaron can do this without you, shit we've been doing this with out you" micah said.

Micah's words really hurt me to my core. " i cant believe you want me to sign over my parental rights " i said.

"What else am i suppose to do anna, all you do is make broken promises and leave our kids disappointed" he said.

"Especially raylin, do you know how many times she's cried because you promised to come and you never do" Aaron added.

"So now your ganging up on me too" i said.

"Im speaking as a concerned father, if all your gonna do is keep disappointing our children then micah's right, let us get full custody " Aaron said.

"No! i love my kids. i wont let you keep me away from them" i said.

"If you care about your kids so much then step up. If we dont see a change in you soon, i dont care how much you beg your going to court" Micah threatened.

"Ok i got it" i said angrily.

"Im glad we have a understanding"


After the party

Being at Kaylee's birthday party was bitter sweet for me. She was still hesitant around me but she allowed me to hold her. Raylin was a different story, she was stuck to my side like glue. she barely left my side.

"Did you have fun ray?" i said to my daughter.

She gave me a tired smile and yawned. " Yeah, the cake was really yummy" she said.

"Ok its way past your bedtime munchkin. Time for a quick bath and then bed" Aaron said.

"Can mommy give me a bath?" raylin asked. It kind of bothered me that raylin kept having to ask permission for me to do stuff.

"Sure ill go run your bath, go get your pajamas out" Aaron said.

Raylin grabbed my hand." Come on mommy" she said.


After a quick wash up i got raylin into her onesie and tucked her into bed with Yamaha laying at her side.

I ran my hand through her curly hair.
My little girl was so beautiful.

"Mommy can you lay with me?" raylin asked.

"No sweetie mommy has to go" i told her.

Raylin frowned." No please stay" she said sadly.

"Just stay anna" Aaron said from the door way.

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