Part 17

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Anna's pov

The next day...

"Anna! Aaron's here" my mom called out. i roll my eyes in annoyance, why couldnt he just leave me alone.

When i got downstairs i saw aaron holding a bouquet of flowers. i mentally roll my eyes.

"These are for you" he says handing me the flowers.

"why are you here?" i said rudely.

"ill put these in some water while you two talk " my mom said taking the flowers.

As soon as my mom left i shoot a glare at aaron. " i came to check on you, you weren't answering my text" he said.

"did you ever think maybe i dont wanna talk to you" i say.

"Anna you dont have a choice. your having my child we have to communicate " aaron said.

" I know that aaron but what you did yesterday really pissed me off. micah didnt deserve any of that" i said.

Aaron sucked his teeth." He needed to know he had no chance with you. Your pregnant with my child and im not gonna let him come between that" he said.

" For the last time you cant tell me who i can talk to. you dont own me or this baby. we're not your damn property" i said angrily.

"That's not what i meant anna. i just want the best for you and our baby. i dont want micah to come between this special bond we have " he said moving closer.

He gently placed his hand on my stomach. " Anna just forget about micah and give me a chance. our child deserves to grow up in a household where both parents love each other. I love you so much just give me a chance to prove it to you" he said.

As i looked into Aaron's eyes i could see all the love he had for me but i could also see something else.

I push him away and take a step back." we dont have to be together for our child to know their loved. Co parenting is enough" i said

A look of anger crosses Aaron's face. " what does he have that i dont" he says angrily.

"This has nothing to do with micah. stop comparing yourself to him. i just dont feel that way for you" i explain.

I did care for aaron but i didnt love him. It was just lust with him.

A look of sadness appears on his face." you dont mean that... i know you love me. you have to!" he shouts making me jump.

" its time for you to leave aaron" i said walking to the door. before i could open it he grabbed my arm.

"we're not done talking" he said angrily.

"get off of me your hurting my arm" i said.

"And your hurting my heart" he said sadly.

" Aaron let go of me right now" i said calmly. on the inside i was scared shitless.

Aaron stared at me for a few minutes before releasing my arm. "im sorry " he mumbled.

" Just go"


Aaron's pov

Why does this always happen to me? i thought. i could never find a girl that loves me or wants to be with me.

Everyone ive ever dated has left me for someone else. was i really that bad?

I knew i could be intense sometimes but i couldnt help it, i fall in love fast.
"Honey you haven't touched your food. whats wrong?" my mother said.

"Anna hates me" i say sadly.

"why do you say that?" my father asked.

" she doesnt want to be with me she rejected the idea of us being a couple. she just wants to co parent" i explain.

"oh honey shes pregnant shes bound to be moody. just give her some time" my mom said.

"You really think she'll come around?" i ask.

"Of course, shes a lucky girl to have you in her life" mom said.

"yeah son. i have an idea, why dont you invite her and her family over this weekend so we can all get to know each other. We can meet our new daughter in law and see what shes like" my father said.

"im not marrying her dad, shes not your daughter in law" i point out. anna didnt wanna be my girl i doubted she wanted to be my wife.

"not yet you mean. your a carter aaron and we dont take no for an answer. you just have to try a little harder to win her over" my father said.

" Shes still in love with her ex micah. i cant compete with that believe me ive tried" i tell him.

"micah? does he have blond hair and blue grey eyes?" my father asked.

i raise my eyebrow. " yeah... how did you know that? " i ask.

My father looks at me with an expression i cant read. " i guessed" he said. it was obvious he was lying. but i decided not to press him about it.

"okay well im gonna head to bed" i said standing up.


"Aiden what the hell was that about?" aarons mom said.

Aiden sighed." its nothing baby just some things from my past i haven't really dealt with " he said.

"Does this have something to do with king?" she asked.

"Yeah if aaron is correct im sure hes talking about king's son" i said.

Aaron's mom sighed." i know where this is headed aiden so stop while your ahead. whatever happened in the past needs to stay in the past. this isnt about you its about our son and his life" she said.

i remained silent. apart of me knew i should probably listen to my wife's words but i didnt want to. Aaron's situation felt like deja vu, i was once in his shoes.

In love with a girl that only loved her fucked up ex. i didnt want my son to experience that kind of heart break.

if micah was anything like his father i knew he would steal this anna girl from my son. i couldnt let that happen.

I wont let history repeat itself.

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