Part 49

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Micah's pov

"What is your problem micah?!" Anna shouted

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"What is your problem micah?!" Anna shouted.

" i dont have one, i was just stating facts. Your little boyfriend needed to be put in place" i said.

"Who the hell are you to decide that?! you dont see me putting your girlfriend in her place. Because its  not my place to do that just like it wasnt your place to do this" she said.

"Mommy stop yelling" Raylin said sadly.

Anna sighed." Im sorry sweetie" she said.

"Come on ray its getting late. time to wash up" Aaron said.

Raylin looked between me and anna and pouted. "Ill take kaylee too" he said grabbing her out my arms.

As soon they left Anna glared at me." you ruined my relationship colson is probably never gonna take me back because you want to act like a jealous asshole and say shit thats not true" she said.

"Anna every thing i said is true. your relationship with him is a joke. Me and you both know yall wouldnt have lasted" i said.

"You just cant accept the fact that i found somebody that genuinely loves me. you just want me to sit around waiting for you" she said.

"Anna if i wanted you back i could have you back easy. all i have to do is tell you that i love you and get you into bed. Your so gullible when it comes to men that its sad. Thats how you ended up with raylin and kaylee, the only difference is me and aaron actually care about your hoe ass" i said angrily. I didnt know why i was so angry all i knew was i wanted her to feel like shit in that moment.

"If im such a fucking hoe why do you care who im with!" she yelled.

"Because your never gonna find better then me" i said.

Anna shakes her head." we're not together anymore. ive moved on from you" she said.

I dont know why but her words bothered me." so you say as soon this guy does something to hurt you you'll be  crawling back to me and hopping on my dick" i said rudely.

"Your such a fucking asshole micah!" She yelled.

Before i could respond she ran off in tears. Damn, what the hell is wrong with me? why did i say all those things?

"Are you happy with yourself?" i turned around to see aaron and he looked pissed.

"You heard all that?" i said.

"  i heard enough" he said.

"Then you know everything i said is true. Anna is a hoe" i said.

"Just because she made some bad decisions in her past doesnt make her a hoe" he said.

"Why are you always defending her? are you still in love with her or something ? " i said.

"No ive accepted that anna will never love me the way she loves you. i just dont like the way you were talking to her, despite anything she's still Kaylee's mother so you should have some respect " he said.

"I cant respect someone that doesnt respect themselves" i shot back.

" For someone who has a girlfriend you sure care alot about what anna does. plus wasnt you all buddy buddy with anna a few days ago" he said

i remain silent." look micah you owe her an apology. you were wrong for what you did today and you know it" Aaron said.

I roll my eyes." no offense aaron but i didnt ask for your opinion. let me handle anna the way i know how to" i said waving him off.

"And what way is that? degrading her? making her feel like shit? " Aaron questioned.

I shrug my shoulders." the truth had to be said"

"How would you feel if someone treated kaylee or raylin the way you treat anna? you wouldn't like it so why do it to some body else" he said.

"I dont have to worry about that because im gonna make sure my daughter respects her self and doesnt take crap from no man. i wont allow her to be weak minded and naive like her mother " i said.

"Aaron i know you mean well but you really need to mind your business" i add.

Before anything else could be said i storm off.


Aaron's pov

As i stood outside Anna's door i could hear faint sniffling

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As i stood outside Anna's door i could hear faint sniffling. i softly knock on the door.

"Go away!" Anna shouts.

"Anna its aaron can i come in?" i asked.

She mumbled a yes and i opened the door. Anna was sprawled out in her bed in nothing but panties and a sports bra.

I quickly shake the horny thoughts from my mind. Its been awhile since ive sexually active so my hormones were real sensitive. And seeing anna like this didnt make it any better.

"How are you feeling?" i asked.

"Shitty" she mumbled.

"Dont listen to micah your not a hoe" i said sitting on the bed.

"maybe i am. colson called me a hoe too" she said.

"Im sure he didn't mean it. i can tell he  really cares about you Anna. his feelings were just hurt" i said.

"No im pretty sure he meant it. i mean  i do have two kids by different men. only hoes do shit like that" she said.

"That doesnt make you a hoe that makes you human" i said.

Anna looked at me with an expression i couldnt read. She sat up in the bed and crawled into my lap.

"Anna what are you doing?" i said nervously.

She had this blank expression on her face." i know you want me Aaron " She said.

"What?" i said.

"I saw the way you were looking at me when you  came into my room. i can make you feel good" she said grinding into me.

I held back a moan." Anna whats gotten into you? this isnt you" i said.

"Im a hoe so im just doing what a hoe does" she said before kissing my neck.

I grab her off of me and place her on the bed." your in pain Anna and i understand that but this isnt the way to handle that" i said.

"Dont you want me?" Anna said in a sad tone. I could tell by the look on her  face she was out of it.

"Come on lets lay down. ill stay with you until you fall asleep" i said softly.

Anna nodded her head and crawled to the top of the bed. i kicked my shoes off and climbed into bed.

I pulled her close to my chest and rubbed her back.

It was now more obvious then ever, anna needed professional help. There's  a reason why anna is the way she is and i was determined to find that out.

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