Part 24

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Anna's pov

The next day

The nerve of that bitch! Everything was going great until micah's punk ass girlfriend ruined things.

I can never have a peaceful Moment with micah without some drama popping off.

As i sat thinking about last night my phone begin to ring. Aaron was facetiming me, what did he want?

"What is it aaron?" i said in a annoyed tone.

"well hello to you too. Raylin wanted to talk to you " he said.

"put her on" i say.

Aaron rolled his eyes and moved the phone. a few seconds later raylin appeared on the screen.

I smile." hi sweetie is everything okay?" i ask.

"yeah i just miss you mommy" raylin pouts.

"Aww i miss you too. dont worry ill see you when you get home tomorrow " i told her.

Raylin frowned." i wanna come home today my tummy hurts mommy" she whined.

"Whats wrong?" i say.

Before raylin could answer aaron takes the phone back." i think she had too much junk food. you know how kids are" he said.

"i told you not to give her junk food and now look she  has a stomach ache. this is what happens when you let a three year old do what they want" i said angrily.

"Anna i- save it im coming to get her" i said cutting him off.

Before anything else could be said i hung up.


I tapped my foot impatiently as i waited for someone to answer the door.

Finally after what seemed like forever the door swung open revealing aaron. " you really didnt have to come all this way" he said.

I roll my eyes as i push past him. " wheres my daughter" i said.

"She's in the kitchen " he said.

I quickly head in the direction of the kitchen.

When i enter the kitchen i see raylin sitting at the counter drinking gingerale.

"Mommy your here!" she said happily.

"I came to get you, does your tummy still hurt?" i ask.

Raylin shook her head." grandma gave me some tums and gingerale" she said.

i sigh in relief, at least one person had some damn sense. "Okay sweetie but your still coming home with me,  go get your things " i told her.

"ok Mommy " she said running off. as soon as she was gone i turn to aaron.

"Maybe raylin shouldnt spend weekends with you. its obvious you dont know what your doing" i say.

"Anna your being dramatic, i admit i  shouldnt have let raylin eat so much junk. but that doesnt give you the right to take my weekends away" he said.

"Its not just about letting her eat whatever she wants, its about spoiling her in general. i understand you love raylin and want to make her happy but you cant always be the fun parent. you gotta know when to put your foot down" i explain.

"Shes three anna, its not like shes a damn teenager whos rebelling or anything. she's fucking three!" aaron shouts.

See this was another one of Aaron's problems. he always had to yell or get aggressive when something upsets him. and he says micah has a temper...

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