Part 15

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Anna's pov

"Positive" This couldnt be happening right now. i couldnt be pregnant im only 18.

After a few weeks of feeling like shit i knew something was wrong. a stomach virus only last for a few days. and ontop of that my period was late.

To make matters worse aaron was the father of my baby. He was the only person i slept with recently.

I feel like god is punishing me for what i did.

" what does it say sweetie?" my mom asked. unlike most teenagers i told my mom right away about possibly being pregnant.

"im pregnant" i tell her. she sighs and walks over to me.

"What do you wanna do? do you want to keep it because if you do you know ill help you out but ill also understand if you choose to get an abortion" she said.

i looked at her in surprise." really? your not mad" i said.

My mom shook her head." mistakes happen anna. all you can do is learn from them and move on. just know if you choose to keep the baby it will be hard. parenthood is no joke, your life is no longer your own. that little baby becomes your everything. so ask your self anna are you really ready to become a mom?" she said.

"i really dont know mom"


I was so nervous as i waited for aaron to answer the door. We'll have a simple conversation about this baby and ill be on my way.

"anna? what are you doing here" aaron said opening the door. he looked terrible if i was being honest, he had dark rings under his eyes and he looked like he lost some weight.

"we need to talk" i said walking past him.

"um sure we can talk in my room i can have the maid bring some lunch up" he said closing the door.

Did i mention aaron was wealthy, well his parents were anyway. i guess you could call him a trust fund baby.

i wanted to say no but my stomach was saying something totally different .

"yeah i could eat. ill have a tomato sandwich with extra cucumbers" i said. my mouth watered as i thought about it. this baby was already taking over my tastebuds.

Aaron raised his eyebrow but nodded his head." ok ill be right back, my room is upstairs to the left" he said walking off.

Aaron's room was like three rooms combined. i think it was even bigger then my living room.

Well at least i know our baby would be well off.

"sorry i took so long" aaron said coming in the room holding a tray.

I hungrily grab the sandwich and take a big bite. i moaned in pleasure as the different flavors assaulted my tongue.

Aaron smiled." so what did you wanna talk about?" he asked.

"im... pregnant" i say.

Aaron looks at me in surprise." pregnant? are you sure?" he asked.

i nod my head." yeah i took a test this morning" i told him.

"are you sure its mine? " he asked. i had the urge to smack him right then and there.

"yes im sure! your the only guy i slept with. its been awhile since me and micah were intimate" i say.

Aaron put his hands up in defense." i just had to be sure. its 2016 alot of girls be pinning babies on different guys " he said.

"well im not that kinda girl" i snapped.

Aaron sighed." i know anna i was just making sure" he said.

i roll my eyes in annoyance." anyway i just wanted you to know. i havent decided what imma do yet" i said.

"what do you mean? your keeping it of course. i dont believe in abortion. and neither do my parents" he said.

"wont your parents be upset if you become a teen dad?" i ask.

he shook his head no." believe it or not my parents would be excited. they always wanted grandchildren and since im their only child they'll be ecstatic. it might be a little  early than planned but its fine. plus i know my parents will love you " he said.

It really shocked me that aaron was taking this so well. most people would be freaking out at this point.

"i just need some time to think about all this" i say.

"thats fair just dont make no rash decisions without me" he said.

" i wont... i should go i have alot to think about" i told him.

after telling aaron bye i left his house and headed home.

One hour later...

i rubbed my tummy thoughtfully as i stared at the ceiling. Me a mom? could i really take care of a baby? will i be strong enough?

What about micah? i knew if he found out about me being pregnant by aaron he would flip and possibly kill aaron. i just have to avoid him as much as possible, i dont want any drama.

Im really having a baby, my little peanut❤

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