Celeste's Necklace

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(Aphmau's p.o.v)
I got a necklace for Celeste because it was for her birthday! She was at school so Aaron and I were setting up the party. We were so excited. Celeste was turing 8! I was really happy. Celeste never had real birthday party, but now she a human I can throw her a party. I do sometimes do miss when she was a dog tho. She will always be number 1 in my book! Alina played with the balloons. Liz watch Alina play with them. She played with a few of them if they ever went in the air. Celeste would be home in a hour. Ariel and Amethyst got home before Celeste did.

Aar: she will be here in any min.
Aph: yup.

2 mins go by and Celeste is about to open the door. She walks in and we say...

Ari, Ali, Aar, Ame, Aph: Happy Birthday Celeste!

Celeste was jumping up and down. It was really cute.

Cel: she did you guys do this?
Aph: while you girls were at school.
Cel: thank you mommy and daddy! You guys are the best!
Aar: no problem!
Aph: Cel do you want to know something?
Cel: ok!
Aph: I got you on your birthday
Cel: when you adopted me as a puppy?
Aph: yea
Cel: that's cool!

The girls had fun. We eat the food and had cake. Now it was time to open presents.

Cel: I want to open this one first
Aph: ok who is it from?
Cel: from auntie Katelyn!
Aph: nice!
Cel: *gasp* it  the plushie I wanted!!
Aph: you will have to thank her later!
Cel: yea! Now this one!
Aph: from who?
Cel: Aunt Alice! It's a charm bracelet with a c on it for my name!
Aph: cute!
Aar: that was nice of her.
Aph: yea. Faith birthday is coming up soon so I'm getting her something.
Cel: now this one from Grandma!
Aph: woo
Cel: it's a dress!!! And it's my favorite color too!
Aph: how pretty.
Cel: this one from you guys.
Aph: ...
Cel: it's a pretty necklace!
Aph: open it up!
Cel: ok! Aww mom! Thank you!
Aph: open the last one! Hehehe
Cel: ok just a card in there.
Aph: read it
Cel: ok, Celeste I don't know how to say this, but are you ready for a baby brother? Wait what!?!?! I'm getting I mean we are getting a baby brother?!?!?!
Aph: not just baby brother and a baby sister!
Aph: yes!
Cel: yes!!!! I'm ready!
Aph: ok calm down girl!

So... Aphmau is have twins hehe once again thank you guys for reading this! I never thought my story would go so big so fast. Well cya! ~Kitty out (next part called: Telling Everyone Else) (words in the story: 468)

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