History Repeats Once again

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(Aphmau's p.o.v)
Katelyn gets home about 2 hours later. The girls were watching the movie. I was playing with Lizzie and Aaron was taking care of the twins. I picked up, Lizzie. I grab her small blanket and wrapped her in it. I placed her in her small bed, upstairs. Aaron came out of the room.

Aar: You okay?
Aph: yea....
Aar: you sure?
Aph: yes... I have to met my cousin soon.
Aar: who?
Aph: umm... Claire!
Aar: Claire?
Aph: yes, she my cousin!
Aar: ok! Well cya later babe!
Aph: bye.

I left the house. On the way there I felt like I wasn't walking alone... I turned around and one of the guys before (that attacked me), attacked me again. He run up and slammed into me. I fell in pain.

Man1: well well well. Look what  we have here...
Aph: ...
Man1: Jake, now..
Aph: wait who is Ja-

Someone grabs my hands and ties me to a tree and puts a cloth in my mouth like last time.

Man 1: what you going do?
Aph: *mumbles*
Man 1: well then. Jake, come on we need to get the van!

The guys leave. I got the cloth out of my mouth. I seen a little girl walk by.

Aph: little girl!
Little girl: yes?
Aph: can I get my phone right there and call this number, then give me the phone?
Little girl: ok.

The little girl gets my phone and types in Aaron phone number then hands it to me.

Aar: hello?
Aph: umm... babe I'm kinda need help...
Aar: what do you mean?
Aph: Aaron Im tied to a tree. I can't get up. The two men that hurt me before attacked me again.
Aar: where are u?
Aph: I'm close to Olive garden!
Aar: okay, I will be right there. I have to get someone to watch the kids.
Aph: text my mom.
Aar: ok.
Aph: they also have a van!
Aar: there is no way u are getting kidnapped not on my watch!

Aaron hangs up and I hide my phone. Aaron gets there before the guys did. I texted Claire that I was unable to make it.

I promise this will be last of them!!! Welp cya soon! (Aka ist spam night again) enjoy! ~Kitty out (next part called: Christmas Party pt.1) (words: 393)

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