Chapter 50 Unclear Reasoning

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(Kai prov)

"Where is Skye and where the hell have you two been?!"

"Trying to research some stuff and we thought she was with you."

"No, she isn't with me so where the hell did she go?!"

"Hush! There are more important matters at hand Skye will be fine, she can take care of herself."

Sheki had spoken in a irritated tone as she walked right past us and into the house. Her clan had dispersed and gone about their own business doing what ever they were doing prior to Sheki having the visitors, but she did have a point, we were on a time limit before dad was going to be killed. He may have been weak, but he could take care of himself, so that fact at hand being as it was said a lot of the power the abductors held. Why were they picking a fight in the first place was my question. I looked over at grams to see what she would say and she wouldn't meet my gaze meaning she knew something and wasn't going to tell us what it was.

"I know you know what is going on, so what is it?"

My voice was irritated as I spoke grams shot me a glare that looked very similar to what I now noticed as our female fox shifters trade mark glare.

"I do know something yes, but the explanation is much deer than I care to divulge, what I can say, is this. The reason for such malice could have been avoided if not for some past events, but that is in the past and it cannot be changed."

"What happened? You have to tell us, if in the least me why they took my dad."

"Long story summed up to bare minimum, its revenge. That is all  I can tell you though. Go see if you can find your sister, I will go see if I can...reason with my possessed daughter."

I heard grams mumble under her breath "This would all have been avoided if that bastard hadn't tricked me. I ran a hand through my greyish white hair as I sought out my missing sister. I looked in room, after room seeing nothing. A familiar voice of Ember spoke up after being silent for so long.

"Alrighty kiddo, what did I miss I was speaking with that she-devil Violet and Skye...they are not very happy right now."

"So you know where they are at?"

"Spirits yes, body no. However they are safe best not to disturb those two and let them work their disagreement out...its pretty messy in there right now even for me."

(Skye prov) 

I paced back and forth, back and forth then stopped where the hell I was I had no clue. All I do know is that wherever I am is reflecting my mentality and everything is all over the bloody place! The sky is up the water down things are broken up, that big black fox with violet eyes getting nearer, the gro-"Violet! thank guanno I found you!"

"What in the world is going on?! I fall asleep for what five minutes? And your already going into chaos!"

"Not my bloody fault my dad got adult-napped!"

"Well it sure as hell be sure it isn't my fault either!"

"Ladies, ladies your both pretty now calm yourselves!"

Violet and I turned looking at Ember who suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Shut up!" Violet and I said in unison having Ember taken aback at our argument.

Ember rolled his eyes sitting down as he let his form flicker drawing my rant off of Violet as I saw about a man in the age of twenty six something flame red hair tipped black with red eyes. Get your attention now? Good now listen to me you she demons shit is about to go down Kai is pissed, your grams is as well, ohh and Violet better tell her that fun fact you told me and soon it will only be worse, bye ladies." Ember disappeared upon that note as I turned back to Violet. "Can you shift to a human?"

"No, he is just showing off rare ability's fox shifters can posses due to nature of their fox."

"Now what was it he was talking about and I need to get back before this shit  as he put it goes down."

"Nothing major, abilities telekinesis things doing with mind our mate being found, future dreams you can have-"

"Hold up, did you say we found our mate?!"

"Mmm, yeah not important right now though, your still too young for thoughts of having a mate much less meeting him officially. Anyway I need to leave ya now. Welp your on your own to figure out how to get back while I try to piece this mind of yours back together."

"Hey wait no...and she left...Bloody effy why in the hell would she leave on that note?! It's just plain cruel!!!"

(Yay finally updated on a sadder note this story will be discontinued.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................jk its just being put on hold its getting harder for me to be inspired and I feel like I can't do a good job with this as well as school and my other books so this is on hold you may get an update here and there on this or another one of my books while I regain stamina for this story I already have outlines for the next book and a shit load of others not even for this series, anywho ask away with questions I will do a character chat if you have some questions for any of the characters and opinions or even some ideas for some stuff to be used would be awesome and may help spark something new for this book that's all for now my feral readers stay faithful and loyal while I recoupe )

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