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"You are a saint. An angel, Jin." I mumble against his cheek as I pepper his face with sweet kisses after he agrees to give me another chance-taking things slow. I'm willing to take anything he gives me. " much as I know this isn't the time..the owners of that house called and said we have to put in our deposit before Friday if we want the house." I pause. "D-do you still want it?"
Jin looks away, thoughtfully for a minute before looking back at me. " I still want it but I don't know if it's a good idea or not." He sighs and I nod.
"How about we go ahead and buy it and if you don't want it later we can just resell it." I suggest.
"Why would you buy a house no one will live in?" He asks perplexed.
        "I'll move in. I've been wanting to leave that apartment anyway. It's just not the same without you in it." I admit and smile when Jin blushes. I can still make him blush..
        "I think-"
        "If you want to stay in it as well there are more than enough rooms if you don't want to share the main bedroom with me. We can do just like old times and live together as roommates first.." I suggest with a hopeful expression. I really hope he goes for it...
          "I'll think about it. You're right, there is more than enough space...maybe Jimin and Kookie can move in, too!" He smiles widely and I frown before replacing it with a huge smile of my own. No! Those two brats hate me!
          "Maybe." I say. Maybe I can talk you out of that..
          He smirks at me knowingly. "Be nice!" He scolds me.
          "Me? I'm always nice! Those two hate me!" I huff, crossing my arms. I know why they hate me, though, so I can't be too affronted. At least they treat my Jin well. That's all that matters to me.
          "They don't, they just care about my wellbeing. I'm sure they'll be mad at me for giving in so easily." He frowns thoughtfully.
"I'll prove to them as well as to you that what happened will never happen again. You're the only one I want, Jin." I say and he smiles.
"But remember-just roommates, ok? I'm not ready to give in to another relationship right now..." he looks down as his mood changes. "I'm scared, Joonie." He whispers.
I wrap my arms around him just to comfort him. "Of what? You know I'll respect your decisions." I tell him gently and he nods.
"I'm just scared of getting hurt again. My heart can't take a second heartbreak." His voice is barely audible.
"I can never say sorry enough for what I did to us. Baby, just one chance-its all I'm asking. I'll spend the rest out my life making up for my mistake." I say as I force him to look into my eyes to see my seriousness.
After a few seconds, he nods. I pull away and look at the destroyed studio. I shouldn't have thrown that table at Hoseok. Now I feel bad and I don't want to feel bad for that douche. Sighing, I climb to my feet and begin to clean and organize the room as best I can. Jin offers to help but I tell him instead to go talk to Jimin and Jungkook and ask about the house.
I'll suffer their insults for Jin. I'll suffer anything for him. Even if they kill me, I'd deserve it. After Jin leaves I call Yoongi and tell him all is well. I tell him about the do over Jin is willing to accept. Yoongi is undeniably as shocked as me. I also tease him about the fact his man will probably be moving in with us. I suppose I can ship yoonmin...they seem happy and that boy is actually taming the wild beast that is Min Yoongi. Yoongi hasn't been to the club in two weeks which is a fucking record for that playboy.
It almost makes me feel sorry for Hoseok-almost. I still hate him and don't think I'll forgive him just yet. I'll never get those two out of head and I fucking hate the fact that Hoseok will be Jin's last memory in the should be me! I stop dwelling on that depressing train of thought and finish cleaning.
By the time I'm done the studio it almost looks like it did before minus a few broken chairs and dishes from the breakroom...

"You two need to have a real conversation because I refuse to pick sides between you two idiots." Yoongi glares at me and Hoseok as we sit far away from each other at the restaurant. After I finished cleaning Yoongi called me and told me to grab lunch with him-leaving out the part about homewrecker coming along.
Once I got here, though, he wouldn't let me leave. Hoseok refuses to look at either one of us and I just sit boredly with my arms crossed counting the minutes to leave.
"I'm fucking serious! I'm over this dumb shit! You two need to grow up and get over it. Hoseok-what you did was wrong and totally broke the guy code but Namjoon-it was Jin's decision to do what he did. You two are broken up right now so let it go!" He huffs out a breath before grabbing a cigarette.
"Jimin know you smoke?" I tease quietly as he rolls his eyes.
"Does it matter? I'm a grown man." He puffs on the stick while eyeing me. Hoseok heaves out a sigh as he looks up at me.
"I'm sorry, Namjoon. Even though we were both drunk and dealing with stress, I never should have went there. I'm a horrible friend and I'm so sorry." He bites his lip and fidgets nervously. "If you want me to leave the company...I will." He states, leaving me surprised. Yoongi's eyes widen at his words.
"I can't forgive you right now but...don't leave, ok? Yoongi's right-for once. We're both adults and I just want to forget about this and move on." I say quietly as Yoongi scowls at me and Hoseok looks at me hopefully.
"Thanks, hyung." He whispers and the rendition finally leaves and we eat in peace. Yoongi soon leaves with the excuse of 'work' but we both know he's going to see Jimin. I wonder idly how he's able to handle Jimin and his job. They talk a lot of shit about my possessive issues but I know for a fact that guy's way worse than me.
"You aren't mad about Jimin and Yoongi getting together?" I ask after the grump leaves.
Hobi pushes his food around his plate before shrugging. "It wasn't meant to be, I guess." He looks up at me and forces a smile. "I'm glad they both seem happy."
"You need to find someone." I say as I sip my drink.
"I'm trying, believe me." He snorts.
"What about Taehyung? Maybe I can get you guys together.." I offer and he eyes me in surprise.
"How did you know-"
"Please! I know you like him. I have his number if you want it.." I offer and he thinks about it.
"Maybe it wouldn't hurt to just hang out..."
"Yeah, whatever. Just so long as you stay away from Jin." I smirk and give him Tae's number. This way I can kill two birds with one stone. Get rid of Hoseok and Taehyung so me and Jin can focus on us. I leave a now content Hobi and finally decide to go home-the place I've avoided for days.

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