6K Special-Fantasy/Medieval AU [Pt 2]

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(A/N: Aaand the moment you've all been waiting for...the ball! I wrote more than I expected so I think they'll be a part three today or tomorrow. Here's a few things to know before you start reading:

-You can probably guess from context, but when a character is referred to as the 'First Prince' this means that they're the older sibling of the 'Second Prince' (Got this from Akagami no Shirayukihime because I'm trash-)

-I try to make as much detail as I write historically accurate, but sometimes I literally just can't write really fancy dialogue so please don't hate >.<

-Since the medieval era only remained in Europe, I found a way to incorporate the countries that either weren't in Europe (China, Japan) or didn't even exist at the time into the story in their own little way.)


"I hate dresses."

I stared into a mirror, examining my transformation. Elizabeta stood beside me, giving a small chuckle.

"I'd have to agree, they aren't the most comfortable to clean in, but rules are rules." She remarked with a small sigh. "Everytime one of those daft princes come to visit, they actually have the nerve to try and look under my dress while I bend down to dust. Sometimes I just want to punch them right in their arrogant faces."

Elizabeta is a maid working at my castle. Though every noble has given me the speech about how 'If you spend too much time with a girl of low ranking, her bad habits will rub off on you' and whatever, but I didn't care. She's seems like an innocent, polite girl like me, but is armed with a feisty attitude and a hardworking, optimistic spirit. She also has a good sense of fashion. She was forced into marrying an aristocrat. She loved him at first, but she slowly grew bored of being just a housewife. She pretended to be a male and enlisted in the army, but she was caught by her husband. When he grew angry at her, she divorced him and is working at my palace for now until she can earn enough money to live and travel around the world on her own. I admire her.

I laughed and beamed at her. "And that's why I do so with my own fists. No one would suspect that a tiny little princess threw the first punch. I say that those walking lampposts attacked me first and I'm off the hook." 

"Yes, yes. I recall the poor man. But seeing him whine like a little child was quite amusing." Lucille bluntly stated. The woman had her knees bent at my feet, working on some finishing touches on the ends of my dress. She stood up and tucked her needle and thread into her pocket.

Lucille was a friend of Elizabeta's and a talented tailor. Along with Elizabeta's help, she created a beautiful gown for me.

But at the cost of beauty, I suffered greatly. The amount of layers that went into the complicated outfit made me feel cramped and sweaty. The corset I wore practically choked the area around my stomach. All the frills and ruffles looked pretty on the dress from afar, but it didn't fit me.

"Hm. It doesn't look like it works with her..." Elizabeta tapped her chin as she looked at me through the mirror, voicing my thoughts exactly. "But that's the type of fashion going around these days."

"Huh. Fashion stinks."

"Princess, that mouth of ours isn't going to find you a prince to marry."

"I don't really want a prince to marry," I retorted to Lucille's comment and dramatically raised my hands, speaking in an exaggerated, snobby voice, "but if you insist. I daresay, this type of fashion does not appeal to my impeccable taste, but if it is what's popular then I shall pray for the poor souls that have to suffer in dresses like these-"

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