{Part 2} |ChApTeR FiFtY oNe| The Beginning

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[A/N: Happy spooky month everyone! Welcome to part two of this weird story :) If you need a refresher, I'd suggest reading the last Chapter and/or the trailer. See you next time <3]


"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."

-C.S. Lewis


|Reader's POV|

I stood outside of the mansion. A voice called my name. His words echoed everywhere until the jumbled sounds concentrated on one place. Turning around, I was welcomed by two effulgent beings that sat peacefully at a table.

The man sat rigidly with his hands clenching a teacup. His gaze was cast downwards and his pensive blue eyes stared distantly.

"She's not here yet."

With a delicate sigh, the woman took a sip from her matching cup with her pinkie sticking out. As she leaned back to relax in her chair, the armor she wore clinked when she moved to cross her leg.

The cup broke away from her lips and she looked right at me. She spoke with a voice that matched the softness of her smile, "I wouldn't say that."

Recognition settled into me as soon as I identified the man. The black tricorn hat gave it all away.

I couldn't help but beam. After being alone with only the menacing girl who claimed to be my sister as company, I felt safe. Their gentleness made my knees tremble and I was trying to control the tears in my eyes.

"Holy Roman Empire."

"Hello, (Name). This is Jeanne d'Arc, and we've come to explain some things to you. Care for some tea?"


|Flavio's POV|

"Listen up, you shitty fives." I cleared my throat and adjusted my scarf. "A ten is speaking."

Lutz and Kuro stared back at me with murderous intentions written all over their faces. But don't worry, dearest reader, I'm used to it.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Lutz, sweetie, settle down." Patting the man's broad shoulders, I smirked. "Our ringleader is trying to sort out a...problem concerning the girl. I'm here to stop you two from going batshit insane."

In an aggravated manner, Lutz massaged his temples and shut his eyes. He deadpanned, "God, you're so annoying. Just get to the point."

"Oh, so you don't remember? You guys were summoned out of your objects and you attacked the girl." As I examined my nails, I paused for dramatic effect and glanced up at the two. "Almost killed her, really, which would've been a shame. She's quite the spitfire."

Grinning mischievously, I was excited to spot the tiny ounce of remorse in their expressions. "You should be ashamed of yourselves, and don't try to hide it. I know that under your stone cold hearts, there's-"

"Apathy. Indifference." Kuro finished polishing his katana, harshly shoving it back into its sheath to make a statement. "I could go on."

"I was going to say guilt, but go off I guess." I shrugged. "Now if you'd like to cooperate, just stay here until my fratello and Gilen comes back."

Kuro scoffed, "Cooperation, how gross." Disregarding everything I had said, he began to walk off.

"I dunno about you, but I'm interested in the girl. How old is she again?"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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