A/N 7

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hAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!! (And thank you for 13K reads as well~)

Okay first off, this story is no close to ending. Just wanted you all to know that (some people were panicking last chapter and I felt like I needed to bring you reassurance so there you go XP).

So with every new year, I realize that my life's a mess. Lol sorry for the sudden deep thought, but it's true. I've always had this struggle with balance, like the fact that I spend way too much time on the internet and way less doing schoolwork and such. This year, as promised in the short little author's note in the last chapter, I intended to create a more organized life for myself so that I'm not constantly drowning in regret. 

I've decided several things, and though this may mean less chapters being published, at least I'm set on a some sort of schedule that will hopefully result in efficiency. I thought that I should share my ideas with you all before I start writing :D



I won't update until February, or late January. Before you start dying, just hear me out:

This is mostly for two main reasons. The first being that, as I've been mentioning frequently, school. I have literally have no days off during January so that means less time for writing for me. I also have a bunch of deadlines like community service hours that I rlly need to get done (ugh save me). I believe I may have mid terms during this month too so that's just fun.

The second is that we're nearing another buildup for a climax in this story. I need more time to carefully plan out the next few chapters. At the same time, I also feel like I want to be more serious with my writing. I don't think I may pursue a future with it, but I've been told relentlessly that I have a talent for writing (irl and on Wattpad). As I somewhat agree with this statement (there's stuff I'm way worse at like sports but still), I believe that I have plenty of room to grow and hurriedly scribbling down pointless chapters just for the sake of writing is certainly not helping me improve. 



As for a schedule, I'm still working on that. I won't give myself a definite date as to when I need to publish a chapter because that gives me way more pressure. However, I did make a rough outline as to how many chapters I think I'll be writing for each month. This depends on if I have any vacation days (if I do, there's a greater probability that there'll be at least one more chapter than usual published). For each month I'll try my best to publish two-three chapters (about two weeks for each chapter), or three-five chapters for months that have vacation days. So here it is:

~January || No chapters; No vacation days; Main goal-Prepare ideas for the next future chapters, as well as the climax coming very soon

~February || Three-four chapters; A week of vacation (Mid Winter break); Main goal-Publish the chapters that will lead up to the climax (the chapters that act as the rising action basically)

~March || Two chapters; Two days of vacation (spread throughout the month); Main goal-Publish the start of the climax. If I'm too busy, then at least plan it out and try to get it published late March or early April.

~April || Two-three chapters; A week of vacation (Spring break) [Note! I will be going on a trip on these days]; Main goal-Because I'm going on vacation at the beginning of this month, I might not be able to publish online, but I will be writing everything down. If I can't get it out then, I will be finishing the climax during the middle and end of April. 

~May || Two chapters; No vacation days; Main goal-Just keep writing! If I reach some kind of milestone around this time, then start planning for those.

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