CHAPTER 2 [5 boys, 1 rose]

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Today is the last day of school, so after today I have the entire summer to do whatever I want. We don't have a big party for the summer today, we had it last week and thus guy Alex's house. Its huge and his parents weren't home so we had it there.

 After lunch, I was near the lockers when I feel someone hands wrap around my waist. I start to giggle, I turn around to see Aiden. "hey, you" I say, "hey" he says kissing me. I feel eyes on me, I turn to see his ex Jorgie eye-balling us.

"she's looking again" I say, "pretend she's not there" he says, pulling me into another kiss. "and this is why I'm single" I hear, I laugh. "hey, Avery" I say, "you still free to come shopping with me after school, good because you're coming" she says, "I'm coming" I say pulling her into a hug. I love my best friend. "shoo now Aiden" she says, "bye" he says and walks off. I look back at Avery, "I don't like that boy" she says, "I know you don't" I laugh.

Avery seems to think that Aiden is a major fuckboy that's won't treat me right. He treats me, good...I guess, he does act like a jerk sometimes though. He says that he has to keep up his 'popular boy' reputation, I just roll my eyes whenever he mentions it. I feel like I'm sort of attracted to the 'bad-boys' but I can't help it.

The day finishes and me and Avery head to the mall. We shop for hours then get Starbucks. "how's Chad" I ask, "awful, he's annoying so I dumped him" she says, "you've been dating him for a month" I say, "he annoyed me" she says, I laugh. "let's go back to mine" I say, "sure" she agrees.

We go back to mine and put our stuff down in my room, Avery is talking on the phone. "Jordan turn that music down" I shout, she's playing her music really loud. I hear the music lower. "I'm staying over for dinner" Avery tells me after getting off the phone, "cool" I say, that's the thing with me and Avery, we've been best friends for that long she's practically family, so she invites herself round whenever and doesn't mind staying here when I'm not home.

We sit and watch Riverdale, we are obsessed with it. I love jughead but she loves Archie. "ahhhhhh Archie yesssssss" she shouts as Archie comes on the screen, I laugh. She's boy crazy but never keeps a boyfriend for long. I however, can keep a boyfriend for a while.

"DINNER" my mum shouts, we run down stairs and fill out plates. We had burgers. When we finish we gather the plates and take them into the kitchen. "you going anywhere later?" my mum asks, "yeah, me and Avery are going to go to the hill" I say, "okay" my mum says.

The hill is somewhere me and Avery have always gone when we just want to chill or get away, it's about 5 minutes away from my house. Whenever we decide to meet up, it's kind of our place.

**on the hill**

Its sunset which is the best time to be at the hill. Me and Avery are talking when a boy comes up to us in a tux holding a single rose. "hi, I'm Zach" he shakes both of our hands, "hi I'm Luna and this is Avery" I say, "nice to meet you, here I got you this rose, I thought you were really cute" he hands me the rose and winks at me, I get confused "err thanks" I say. I've never seen him before. He's cute though. "if it's okay, would you mind if I sing you a song" he asks, "err, sure" I say. He starts singing, he has an amazing voice too. I hear a guitar then 4 other guys come out in tuxes and sing with him.

Me and Avery keep looking at each other, they're amazing. My eye catches two of the guys, little curly, and the first one that came up to me and handed me the rose. Zach, I think he said his name was. Curly comes up to me and grabs my hand, he sings getting down on one knee and kisses my hand. My heart is melting these guys are amazing.

I look over and see Avery eye-balling every single one of them, but especially the one with the guitar. "they're so hot" Avery says, I laugh. Yes, they're all good looking. They're all amazing singers. They start to sing the last chorus.

Take the time with me tonight

You should come with me tonight

We can feel free tonight

Nobody gotta know

And if they try to tell us wrong from right

We'll fix it in another life

Cause this is what we on tonight

Nobody gotta know

Nobody gotta know

Nobody gotta know

No, nobody gotta know

When they finish the song Zach says, "okay bye" and they all run off. me and Avery turn to each other and start laughing. "hey, can I actually get your number" I look up and see that Zach has come back. "err, I don't know I have a boyfriend" I say, "no? well nobody gotta know" he says and winks, I laugh. "yeah sure I'll give you my number" I say, "really?" his eyes widen, "yeah". I give him my number and he gives me his, then he leaves, I catch curly's eyes before they leave, he winks at me and leaves with a smirk. God, he's gorgeous.

"SCORE" Avery shouts, we both laugh. Perfect night at the hill. I still have the rose when I go home I put it on my bedside table. I go to sleep with a smile on my face knowing I have a very cute guys number and there's another cute curly guy, I'd like to get to know.

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