CHAPTER 59 [shouldn't have done that]

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*6 months later*

"how long now" Zach asks rubbing my baby bump, "very soon" I say, I smile. "I can't wait for our little baby girl to come into our world" he says looking at me, I smile and kiss him. "thank you for everything you've done" I say. "of course, babe" he says.

Then jack burst through the door, "we've got an appointment in an hour" he says, "I know" I say back. He nods and then leaves. Jack and I are good, I think. He's been coming to more appointments but keep disappearing at night. Probably going to fuck some girl, I don't care anyway. "how many girls do you think he's fucked this week" Zach asks, I laugh a bit too loud.

"have you chosen a name" Zach asks, after he fishes laughing. "still got two" I say, "violet and what's the other" he asks, "Alexis" I say, "I like them both" he says, "me too that's why I can't choose" I laugh. "we might have to pick from a hat or something" he says, I laugh a little. "jack chose violet didn't he" Zach asks, "yeah, I chose Alexis" I say. He stokes my hair. "I love you, you know" he says, "I love you too" I say back, he kisses me.

*2 hours later*

"hey, do you wanna do something later" jack asks me as we walk out the hospital, "I don't know, are you fucking someone later" I ask, "ouch" he says, "just waiting for you" he says, "jack I'm with Zach, you know that" I say, "I know, but you know you should be with me" he says looking deep into my eyes, I shake myself out it. "no, I shouldn't" I say. "like I said before, I'll wait as long as I need to" he says. I roll my eyes.

We get back to the house and we walk in to see no one there. I text Zach.

Me: where are you? xx

Boyfriend: out with the others be back in an hour xxx

Me: okay xx

"Zach and the guys have gone somewhere they'll be back in an hour" I say. "okay cool, gives us time to talk" he says. "about what" I say trying to sit down. "your stomach is big" he laughs as he sits down next to me, I hit him playfully. "I'm pregnant, what do you expect" I say. He laughs even more. "what we calling our girl" he says placing his hand on my stomach, I smile. "I've decided" I say, "have you" he says surprised. "yeah, I think it's gonna be violet" I say, "really" he shouts standing up, "yeah" I say, "omg yay" he says hugging me.

"thank you for choosing the name I thought of" he says, "I liked it more than mine" I say, he laughs. "can I ask you something" he says, "err sure" I say, "okay this is going to be a personal-ish question so don't answer if you don't want to" he says, "should I be scared" I say, "err" he says, "why did it take you so long to tell Zach you love him" he asks. My feel my face fall. 2forget it I'm sorry" he says, realising my reaction. "no, no, its fine, I'll tell you" I say, "really" he asks. "yeah" I say.

"okay erm, well I guess I have trust issues or whatever I don't know if saying it would make a difference" I say, "because you thought it didn't make a difference last time" he says. I look down. "after nearly a year, I still feel so bad for what I put you through, I'm so sorry" he says holding my hands. I look up to see his face close to mine. We both lean in and our lips connect. I feel tingly and he slowly moves his hand to cup my face. Shit what am I doing. I pull away quick and look the opposite direction.

"we shouldn't have done that" I say, "why not, didn't it make you realise anything" he says. "no, it didn't, I'm dating Zach, you know your best friend, he's my boyfriend, I love Zach" I say, "no you don't" he says pulling my face gently to face him. "maybe I don't" I say quietly, he joins our lips back into a kiss and I kiss back instantly. I missed his lips against mine. I miss his contact. I miss him.

FUCK IM DATING ZACH. I pull away again. "jack I can't" I say, "you said it yourself, you don't love Zach like you do me" he says, I stand up. 2I see what you're doing" I say, "you think you can get anything you want. You think you can just be nice and say the right things that I'll just come crawling back to you" I say, "no, not at all" he says standing up and walking towards me. "Luna, every day I regret what I did to you, I love you, I really do" he says, "I can't trust you" I say, "I know you can't" he says, "please Zach cannot know about this, no one can" I say.

"can't know about what" Corbyn says walking in the door. "err" I start but then I get interrupted. "what we decided to call the baby" jack says, "you chose" Zach asks, "err, yeah, we did" I say, "we want it to be a surprise" jack says smiling. I look at him and he smiles down at me. "well I'll find out sooner or later" Zach says pecking me on the lips. "I'm guessing violet" Jonah says throwing his hands up, "nope, Alexis is better" Daniel says. I roll my eyes. "you'll find out soon" I say.

Zach moves his arm from around me, "I'll be back in a minute" he says, I nod. "don't worry, nobody gotta know" jack whispers placing his hand on the small of my back. He smirks as he walks off. CRAP. What have I got myself into.

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