CHAPTER 14 [telling luna]

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"what does Zach not know then" I ask, "I'm not saying it here" he whispers. "my room" I say. And walk off, he follows. I open the door, let him in and close it behind me. "go" I say. "before I start I want to say something" jack says. "what" I roll my eyes. "I really like you, I've never felt like this before, I know you feel it too and I have to do this before you change your mind" he says, pulling me into a kiss. I kiss back.

It wasn't like any of our other kiss, it was better somehow. Like everything we've been feeling for the past few days was put into that kiss. We pull away. I tried to act pissed but it failed. "just tell me" I say. "you're blushing" jack tells me. "you are too" I say. We both look away.

"okay" jack starts, "erm, there was this girl, Ella, she was friends with all of us, but she grew especially close to Zach, he liked her a lot, like a lot. But she didn't feel the same and she started coming on to me. I tried rejecting her but there was something about her that wouldn't let me do that. The other boys felt something for her too, expect Corbyn of course" he says, I nod. "so, one night it was just me and Ella, we hooked up, and I didn't want to be the guy to just hook up with her then leave her. I asked her out she said yes. So, she was my girlfriend. I did like her, I was happy, but Zach wasn't. He hated it, he stayed in his room, didn't speak to us, wasn't singing good, he was just completely different" he says. I already knew this from what Zach told me.

"I know this, what does Zach not know" I say. "I wanted to break up with her, because I hated what I did to Zach. She wouldn't let me break up with her. She cheated on me several times. I caught her doing it at least twice, I wasn't happy. When we finally broke went out of our lives completely. She told them I cheated on her and they believed her. When we finally broke up they got mad because she went out our life, when Zach could've still had a chance with her. They blame me. So, I never told them she cheated, I let them believe it was me because they wouldn't have believed she cheated after what I did to Zach. So, I let them blame me" he says, his eyes are glossy and his face is red.

I pull him into a hug, "I'm sorry" I say, "I feel bad, I believed Zach before you could tell me the full story" I said. "its fine" he says pulling out of the hug. His phone buzzes again, and I snapped back into reality. It was Ella again.

Ella: babe please, you know you want me ;) xxx

"That's doesn't explain that" I say standing up. He grabs my hand. "she's started texting me 3 days ago, I haven't replied once, but she hasn't stopped" he says. "I promise" he says. "I wouldn't lie to you" he says. "block her" I say, "if you block her she can't text you" I say. "yeah, yeah, I will" he says, I watched him do it. I feel weird that I made him block her but I don't care.

"I'm glad you told me" I say, "I'm glad you let me" he says, he stands up, he kisses my forehead. "can we please go back outside" he says. I laugh as I nod. "hey jack" I stop him, "yeah" he says. "I like you too" I say. He smiles and blushes. We both walk out and go back outside. Everyone stands up when we walk out together.

"its fine, guys" I say. They all let out a breath. We swim and dance and sing to our stupid music. It was one of the best days I've had in a while. We all have a really fun time. The time flies by the time we're inside its 10pm. We decide to watch a scary film. I'm not the biggest fan, but I'm sitting next to jack, so I feel a bit better.

We leave Avery and Daniel to sit in the corner since they're going to be making out all night. I'm lying down in between jack and Jonah. Corbyn on the other side of jack and Zach on Jonah's side. Zach and jack have been staying away from each other. I snuggle into jack's side, he's stroking my hair, making me tired. I close my eyes.

"is she asleep" I hear, Jonah whisper. "yeah I think so" jack says. "so, what were you too talking about" Jonah says, "I told her about Ella" jack said. "you did, how'd she react?" Corbyn asks. "she already knew" jack says. "sorry, I had to tell her" Zach says. "I really like her guys, and I mean it when I say it" jack says. "you said that last time bro, then look what you did" Zach says.

"guys I need to tell you something, and you're probably not going to believe me but I just want to tell you" jack says. Is he going to tell them? I keep my eyes closed. They think I'm asleep. "I never cheated on Ella" jack says, "yes you did she told us you did that why you broke up, why she went out of our lives" Zach says, "bro, I swear, I didn't, she cheated on me, I caught her twice, she told you I cheated on her because she hated me for breaking up with her" jack says, I hear his voice go weak. "you expect us to believe that, she was heartbroken" Corbyn says.

"I swear, I didn't want to say anything because I knew Zach liked her, I wanted to break up with her for what I did to Zach, bro I'm sorry, I didn't want you to know what she's really like" I hear jack say. "jack are you crying" I hear Jonah say. "I'm so sorry" jack says. That's the last thing I remember.

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