CHAPTER 23 [dad?]

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I wake up to feel someone wrapped around me, I turn over and see jack. WHAT THE FUCK. I shoot up, jacks still asleep. This is when I realised that I'm naked. I pull his t shirt on and run into the bathroom. My fucking neck. I'm going to kill this kid. I go back in the bedroom and shake him awake. He slowly starts to wake up. "jack what the fuck happened last night, why does my neck have 100 hickeys on it, I'm going to kill you" I say, "you don't remember" he says looking confused.

"of course, I don't remember, otherwise I won't be asking you" I say, "I knew you were drunk but not drunk enough to not remember, we err, hooked up" he says, my eyes go wide. I'm starting to remember things, I remember jack pulling Aiden off me and I remember...I kissed jack and it led to me hooking up with him. fuck. It was my first time.

"let's just forget about it" he says, "yeah, okay" I say. "I see you helped yourself to one of my shirts" he smirks, "you always used to do that" he says. "jack, I know we hooked up but this doesn't change how I feel about you, I'm still made at what you did" I say. "and I'm sorry" he says, "I should haven't never let you go, I'm so dumb for what I did, I promised myself I wasn't going to hurt you" he says. "I know" I say. "I'm so sorry" he says. "me too" I say.

"thank you for last night" I say, "I've never been thanked before for that" he jokes, I hit his arm. "I mean about Aiden, I remember some parts of last night" I say, "oh, it's okay, he's a dick" he says. I smile. I get up and walk out his bedroom but I stop at the door. I turn to face him. "I might be mad at you, and it might have been my first time" I say, "it was your first time I had no idea I'm so sorry I feel like an idiot omg" he says, I cut him off "its fine jack, I don't regret it" I say, he smirks, I wink at him as I walk out, "hey happy birthday by the way loo" I hear him shout, "thanks" I shout back at him.

I walk downstairs and see that the house is a mess. I ain't cleaning this up, it's my birthday, the boys can do it. I go to Zach's room and see he's sleeping peacefully. I get in his bed and lay my head on his chest, I doze off too.

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Luna, happy birthday to you" I hear 5 voices sing as I wake up. All the boys are at the foot on Zach's bed with a tray full of food. "thanks guys, I love you all" I say, "we love you more" Corbyn says, I smile. Zach lays the tray on my lap. "I feel like a princess" I say, "you are one" jack says, he always used to call me princess. "we better start cleaning up downstairs, it's your birthday so we won't make you help" Jonah says. "I'm staying with her" Zach's says, "no fair then you won't have to clean up" Daniel says "yeah if anything I should be staying with her" Corbyn says, "I'm am her best friend" he says.

"no, I am" Avery says walking through Zach's bedroom door. "happy birthday loo" she says holding a bag. She hasn't been to the house since her and Daniel broke up. "we'll go clean now" jack says. "yup" Daniel says. all the boy's go down stairs. "am I that bad" Avery asks. I laugh. "get over here" I say, I pull her into a hug. "I've missed my best friend" I say, "words cannot describe how I've missed you" she says.

After I finish eating I go downstairs to see that the guys have actually cleaned up. "okay guys I'm heading out to see my family" I shout. "BYE LUNA" they shout back, "will we see you later" Zach asks, "probably" I say. Me and Avery go back to my house to see no one there.

We walk into the family room and "SURPRISE" I hear. All my family is here. My mum, mark, Jayden and Jordyn, my grandparents even phoebe and Ryan. But no dad. "omg" I all I could say. I pull everyone into a hug, then it comes to Ryan and phoebe. I'm close to both, but I don't get to see them much. I pull them both into a hug. "hey guys" I say. "happy birthday loo" Ryan says. I smile. "where's dad?" I ask, "err, he had a business trip" phoebe says, "of course, dad always has business trip" I say.

It hurts that my dad hasn't even come to see me for my birthday, my dad's wife brings phoebe and Ryan to see me. I feel like my dad hates me, he never sees me even when he has the chance to something always comes up. I don't let it get to me though.

After saying hi to everyone, trying to hide my neck otherwise my mum would murder right there in the family room. Me and Avery run upstairs, I get changed for the day. I take a photo and post it on my Instagram.

 I take a photo and post it on my Instagram

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@luna.may: happy 17th to me <3

This is what I wear for my birthday and Avery is an expert at hiding hickeys, so she hides all the ones I have on my neck and one that you can just see on my stomach. "damn, Zach went all in didn't he" Avery says, I never told her it was jack. "err, it wasn't Zach" I say, "what so you hooked up with a stranger" she asks, "it was jack" I manage to get out, he stops patting my neck with makeup and stares at me.

"no way" she says, "yeah, we were both drunk, it didn't mean anything" I say, "loo, it was your first time it has to mean something" she says, "so what if it did, it's not like he actually wants to be in a relationship with me after what happened last time, I don't know if I could trust him again" I say, "have you spoke to him about it" she asks, "well yeah, I could have killed him when I realised what was one my neck" I say. She laughs. "he did good" she says quietly smirking. "oh shush" I say. "was it good for your first time" she asks, "I guess so" is all I could say.

We joined everyone else back downstairs and I opened all my presents. I got mostly money, mum got me the new iPhone 7, and some nice jewellery and make up. Phoebe hands me a big, 'from dad' is what was wrote on the label, I give a weak smile but I don't open it. I take it up to my room and leave it on my dresser.

"you know you're going to have to talk to him at some point" I hear my mum say, I turn to see her slouched in my door frame. "he didn't even come to see me mum" I say, a tear falls down my face. She pulls me into a hug. "no crying on your birthday, well talk about this later, you should be happy, my baby girl is growing up" she says, I laugh.

We spend the day catching up, playing stupid board games, that I actually like and dancing around like idiots. I love when my family comes over were really close. We've always been close, and I'm thankful for that.

Me and Avery head to the store to get some marshmallows, we plan on having a barbeque tonight and then go to the why don't we house. When I come home, I hear shouting. "YOU DIDN'T EVEN COME TO SEE HER" I hear, I slowly walk towards the door, Avery holds my hand. "I'm just here to get my kids, just let me be lily" I hear, and quickly recognise it as my dad's voice. "SO, YOU'RE JUST GOING TO WALK AWAY AND NOT EVEN SEE YOUR DAUGHTER ON HER BIRTHDAY" I hear my mum shout. The door is closed but I can hear every word.

I'm standing outside the door, Avery still holding on to me. The door opens and I see my dad, phoebe and Ryan behind him. "dad?" I manage to get out. He takes a step back. "err, hi, happy birthday" he says. I get angry I haven't seen him in 10 years and the only reason he shows up to my house is to get his kids.

I let go of Avery hand and I run, I'm not sure where in going but I run and I don't stop. I don't know where I'll end up.

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