CHAPTER 40 [what you do to me]

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He picks up after 2 rings, "Luna, omg, Luna thank you so much for calling I need to explain please I love you only you okay nothing ha..." I cut him off, "jack chill, come round mine, I'm ready to talk even though I said tomorrow" I say, "okay" he says, "and loo" he says as I was about to hang up, "yeah" I say, "I love you" he says, "I lo...I'll see you later" I say. I hang up.

I put my phone down, "you didn't say it back" Zach says, "I didn't did I" I say. "WERE HOME" I hear mark shout. "shit" I say standing up. "err, in here" I say. My mum comes in, "what are you doing in...oh hey Zach" my mum says realising he's here. "Zach" Jayden and Jordyn scream as they run in the room and jump on Zach, bursting into fits of giggles. "err, hi lily" Zach manages to get out, "hey twinnies" he says.

"no jack?" my mum says raising an eyebrow, "err, he's coming round now" I say, "oh" she says, "yeah I was just leaving" Zach says standing up. "let's see him out" Jordyn says, "yes" Jayden says, I laugh a little. "thanks for coming Zach and don't worry, I won't say anything to jack" I say the last part quiet so only he could hear, he nods. "bye guys" Zach says as he walks out the door.

"I'll be up in my room when jack gets here tell him to come up" I say running up the stairs, "sure thing honey" my mum shouts back. I go in my room and flop on the bed.

Literally 20 minutes ago Zach told me he still liked me. He also kissed me. And I kissed back. I didn't say I love you back to jack. what is going on with me, am I even ready to talk to him? or was that just an excuse?

I hear light knock on my door, "come in" I say, I see jack peep his head around the door. "hey loo" he says coming in. I sit up on the edge of my bed, "hi" I say. He rushes over to me and hold my hands, "I'm so sorry, it was nothing like what it seemed" he says, I nod. "let me explain" he asks, "sure" I say, he sits next to me and I turn to face him.

"err, me and Chloe met in the month when you weren't talking to us" he says looking down. "she had a thing for me I guess, but I was still hung up on you so err, nothing...happened" he hesitates to say. I interrupt. "you don't seem too sure about that" I say. He doesn't say anything, "jack if you're gonna be honest with me, you have to tell me everything" I say, "yeah sure" he says shaking his head. "so" I say, "we hooked up once and were a thing for a while" he gets out. "I knew it" I shout standing up, "please, give me a chance" he says looking at me.

"why should I, you said you were hung up on me and yet you were hooking up with every girl that came your way" I say and instantly regretting it. "not every girl" he mumbles, "really" I say, "look you were out of my life and wanted nothing to do with it, I was trying to get over you as it seemed you wouldn't come back" he says, "I wasn't going to" I shout.

Jack runs up to me and places his hands on my arms, "loo, calm down, please let me explain" he says. "you got one chance" I say. He nods. "well, err...I hadn't seen Chloe since you came back, and that was the first time she came round since, I wanted her to go but she wouldn't listen, I was getting ready to come and see you. when I was in the shower I had no idea, she came up to my room or answered your call at all" he says, "how'd did you know that I called" I ask, "Corbyn said" he says, "and Chloe" I say, "she never told me, I didn't think she was planning to" he says looking down.

"so, nothing happened" I say, "no nothing" he says, "and when you came out the shower" I ask, "nothing" he says grabbing my hands and looking at me. "what's going to happen with Chloe" I ask, "I don't think she'll be around at all" he says, "you sure" I ask, "completely, 100%, definitely, of course she won't, if she does I'll kick her out myself, nothing gets in between me and you, I promise" he says. "okay" I say.

"loo" he says, "yeah" I say, "why didn't you say it back when you called" he asks, "err, I don't know I couldn't say it when I didn't know the truth, and please tell me that was the truth" I say, "I messed it up by lying to you before, I wouldn't do that again, I love you more than anything Luna may white, I love you" he says, "I...I love you too" I say, he pulls me into a kiss.

As we pull away he smiles, he stands up and picks me up, "thank you" he says, I look down at him, my legs wrapped around his waist. He has the biggest smile on his face. I smile, and lean down to kiss him again. He lays me down on the bed and starts to kiss down my neck.

I push him away a little, "as much as I want to, I can't do it here, my mum and mark are downstairs, the twins could run in any second" I say, he smirks. "you must fulfil your promise at my place then" he jokes, I laugh. "I will promise" I say kissing him, making sure to tug on his lip when I pull away. "ugh, I love it when you do that baby" he says, "there's a lot more where it came from" I say getting up leaving jack on my bed looking at me wide eyed. I walk over to my dresser.

"what did I do to deserve you" he says, "well you did work for it" I say, "sure did, I intend to keep you, so please let me" he says wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I turn to face him, I kiss him, jack moves hand hands to squeeze my ass. "jack Avery what you do to me" I say, we both laugh.

Should I have made up with jack so easily?

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