CHAPTER 11 [he's a boy]

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*Luna's POV*

I was woken up by the sound of my mum's voice shouting from downstairs. "WE'RE HOME LOO" she shouts. Shit. Jacks still here, and he's asleep. I stand up and go, to walk downstairs when my bedroom door burst open. "loo loo, Jordyn did the monkey bars at the park and I did it too mum says we're...loo loo, who's that" Jayden points at jack. "oh, he's my friend" I say. Jack starts to wake up. "Luna?" he says, I'm not next to him so he's probably confused. "I'm here" I say, he turns to face me. "your loo loos friend" Jayden says, "yes I am" jack says, "he's a boy" Jayden shouts, making me jump. "all of Luna's friends are girls and there's never boys" Jayden says walking over to jack.

"okay Jayden you can go now" I say, "well, Jayden, I'm Luna's very good friend jack, nice to meet you" jacks says, putting his hand out for Jayden to shake, he's does. "okay Jayden, go tell mum, I'll be down soon' I say, "okay" he says walking out the room. "sorry" I say to jack. "no, it's cool, I don't have a brother, I've always wanted one" he says. I smile and sit down next to him.

"my mums going to ask questions, you should probably go" I say, "yeah, I know, don't worry I won't say anything to the guys about what happened" he says, "thank you jack" I say, we both get up. He walks over to me. "bye" he says, "bye" I say, he kisses me on the cheek. We walk downstairs together and I see him out. I wave as he walks off. I close the door and turn around to see my mum.

"and what is this about a boy in your bed?" he says, "it was jack, only jack, nothing happened, we were just hanging out" I say, "okay good" she says. "Jayden was happy you have a friend that's a boy" my mum says, I smile. "he's not just a friend, is he?" my mums say. "omg mum" I say. She laughs.

Jay jay runs up to me. "can jack come around again, he seems cool, does he like football?" he asks, "erm, not sure, but he can skateboard" I say, "I want to learn to do that" jay jay says. I laugh. "where's Jordyn?" I ask him. "kitchen, she's sad at me because she didn't get to see jack and I did" he says. I go to see Jordyn. "why so sad" I ask. Rubbing her back. "I like meeting your friends, but I haven't seen jack" she says. "oh well, I'm sure this isn't the only time he'll be round our house, you can see him next time" I say. She smiles.

I remember why jack stayed anyway. It gives me the chills to remember what happened. I decide not to tell my mum even though I should. I don't know how I'd tell her. Tomorrow is the last day my mum, mark and the twins are going to be here, then they are going camping. I'll miss them, but I'll be with Avery, who knows maybe we'll see the boys again.


"LOOOOOOOOOOOO" I hear Avery, making me jump, "hey, how come you're round" I say, "well, I had Daniel over last night and didn't tell my mum, she got pissed, he's gone home and now I'm here, what we doing today?" she asks, "well we can invite the boys over if you want?" I ask, "yeah sure, can they sleep?" Avery asks, "they should be able too, mum will be fine with it, she's going camping tomorrow morning, shell be gone before we wake up most likely" I say, "okay, yeah, text them on the group chat" she says. I unlock my phone and start typing.

Me: Hey, wanna come round mine and sleep tonight me and Avery are bored

Noodlehead: yeah sure

Cutie: yeah

Bean: totally

Giant: we aren't doing anything what time?

BlueEyes: Avery's going to be there, too right?

BESTFRIEND: Yes, I'm going to be there dani <3

Me: How about now?

Bean: yeah, that's fine.

Noodlehead: see you in 20 xx

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