CHAPTER 9 [aiden]

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*Luna's POV*

I get embarrassed when my mum asks questions about jack, I feel like I like him more than Zach, but I don't want a relationship right now. I stay in my room watching Netflix on my laptop for the next hour or so.

My mum, mark and the twins have gone to the park, they asked me to come but I just wanted to chill since I head a very late night at the boy's house. I go downstairs and switch on the tv when I hear I knock at the door. I get up straight away thinking it was Avery since she always invites herself round but then I remember she normally just walks in. I hesitate, but I open the door, but not all the way. When I open the door, I see someone I never thought I'd see. The asshole. The cheating ass. I honestly thought I'd never had to see his face again.

"what the do you want" I say, rolling my eyes, "you" Aiden says, he steps forward and pulls me into a forceful kiss, I push him back out the door. "get away from me" I say wiping my mouth, "we broke up, you cheated, I hate you, leave" I say trying to slam the door in his face, he puts his foot in the way and forces it open again. "you were being a little bitch" he said, walking closer to me. I take several steps back as he gets closer.

I was scared. He looked as though he was about to hit me and for a second I thought he was going to. He pinned me up against the wall and raises his hand. I flinch thinking he was going to hit me. He moves my hair out of my face. "come on baby girl, you know you want me" he says, he is pushing me against the wall, preventing me from running away. "get off me" I shout as I kick his leg, he bends over in pain I was able to drag him to the door and was about to push him out and slam the door when he shouts, "little bitch" as he slaps me round the face.

He slapped me so hard he nearly knocked me on the floor, I held my face. He starts to walk slowly towards me. "you will kiss me, you will like it, and you will love me" he says grabbing my ass, pulling me closer to him smashing his lips into mine. I don't kiss back. "kiss back bitch" he says tighten his grip, I can't move My eyes are shut.

I feel his grip go and I slowly open my eyes, to see him lying on the floor with someone hovering over his body. I slide down the wall and start to cry. The guy starts to turn and face me, I get scare because I don't know who he is. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I see who it was. I see...

So, who has heard 'these girls' and seen the music video. It literally just dropped as I wrote this and I love it...OMG!!!!!!

- Pinky <3

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