CHAPTER 55 [on stage]

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We're back stage and I've stayed hidden. Logan has just ran on the stage and started singing, the crowd went wild. All of them started screaming, I swear they blew my fucking ear drums. I'm started to get nervous as the song comes to an end.

The plan was, when the song finishes, Logan was going to make a little 'speech' or whatever you wanna call it and then I'd run out. I really hope Zach doesn't kiss me in front of everyone, I don't want everyone to know about us yet. No, were not dating but still. After jack I don't know, I don't want my relationships to be so public, since they hurt even more when they end.

The song finishes and I start getting extra nervous. I don't know how they'll react. "okay okay" I hear Logan say, "I want to say something about these guys" he says, "awe mop head" I hear jack says, I laugh. "when I first discovered these guys, I knew they'd be big. I got to know all of them and I learned to love them. I do love these guys" he says, "but you know, I'm crap at making speeches so I've got one more thing to say" he says, oh god it's time. I slowly start to sneak up the stairs to the stage as Logan distracts the guys from seeing me. "these guys and I have a very close friend, that you guys know I think" he says, I hear the crows start shouting my name and few others. "and she has missed these guys a lot" he says, I get on stage and tell the crowd to be quiet as they see me, the calm down a bit. "so that is why, she is here" he says and I jump on Corbyn's back. They all look at me with their mouths dropped open.

"OMG LUNA" they all scream, I get off Corbyn's back and they all engulf me in a hug. I start to cry, I've missed these idiots so much. "Zach gives me a separate hug and spins me around. I cry into his shoulder as he puts me down. "I've missed you so much" he says covering the mic, "I've missed you more" I say, he hugs me again. "LOO" I hear Corbyn shout and pulls me into another hug. "blue eyes" I shout as Corbyn lets me go and I pull Daniel into a hug, then Jonah.

Then it comes to jack. he gives me a weak smile and the crowd start to scream. "JUNA" they start to chant. We both laugh, he pulls me into a hug. I pull away and we stare at each, for what feels like days, I missed those eyes. Logan pulls us all into a hug, breaking me and jacks gaze. "you guys have ruined my make us" I scream, they all laugh. I cry even more. "how have I missed 5 idiots so much" I say. "we've missed you more" jack says.

After a few minutes of hugging and crying we all get off the stage. As soon as we're out of the fans sight Zach pulls me into a kiss. I hesitate at first, but I eventually give in. "I love you" he says. shit. What do I say. Do I love him? "I..." I begin to say, "yo are they chanting second verse" Logan says interrupting me. "yeah" Jonah says, "you have to give to em" Daniel says, "gotta give the fans what they want" Logan says getting back on stage. "no way is he doing this, Jake will kill him" I say, "it's what the fans want" Zach says smirking. They all get up onstage and the song starts to play. No way. They're actually doing it.

After the song, they all come off sweating buckets. "you guys get to do that every night" Logan asks, "yeah" they all says, "I think I gotta change my career" he says, we all laugh. "you get to spend the whole day with tomorrow" I say, "YAY" Corbyn screams, "I've missed you guys so much" I say, "we need a catch up" Daniel says, I look jack, he looks down. "err, yeah, sure" I say.

How do I tell them I'm pregnant with jack's baby? No, I don't know either.

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