CHAPTER 8 [he likes you]

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Me, the boys and Avery had a pretty chill day. Just getting to know each other more and stuff like that. When me and Avery start to head home, Corbyn pulls me aside. "Daniel likes Avery" he said, "she likes him" I say, a bit confused. "Zach likes you" he says, "does he?" I ask, "yeah, but so does jack" he says, "really". "yeah, just be careful if you chose jack" he says, "I am not choosing any one yet, I've only known you guys for 2 days, and why does everyone tell me to be careful of jack?" I ask, he just stares at me. "just be careful" he says, I nod.

I hug everyone goodbye, but when I hug jack I hug him a bit longer than everyone else. "I'll see you guys whenever" I say, "bye Avery" Daniel say, staring at her with a smile. "bye" she says, smiling. We walk out and go home.

I walk in the door and get bombarded with questions from my brother and sister. "where were you" Jordyn asks, "with friends" I say, "were they boys" Jayden says, "jay jay" I say, shocked. He giggles, they both run off and start playing with their toys. "hey mum" I say hugging her. "was beginning to think you weren't going to come home" she says, I laugh. "we had a good time" I say.

I go up to my room and lay down on the bed. My mum walks in, "so why don't I know the friends you were with last night?" she says sitting in my bed. "I met them 2 days ago, it was late and they offered to let us stay over" I say, "and who are they" she asks, "they're a band called why don't we" I pull up a photo of them, I point to each of them to show her who they are, "that's, Jonah, Corbyn, my best friend, Daniel who has a thing with Avery" I say wiggling my eyebrows, my mum laughs, "then there's Zach and err, and jack" I say.

"okay what's the deal with jack" she asks, my mum is like a second-best friend. I tell her everything. "he's cute, I like him I guess, but everyone's telling me to be careful about him" I say, locking my phone. "he looks like a heart breaker" she teases, "mum" I say shocked, "honey, if people are telling you to be careful, I suggest you be careful, you don't have any idea what he's like with girls" she says. "you better not have slept in the same bed as him" she says, "no I didn't" I say, "good" she says leaving my room. I roll my eyes, I didn't lie to her, I didn't sleep in the same bed as him. I did sleep with Zach though but she doesn't need to know that.

*jack's POV*

Everyone's giving me crap for liking Luna, I really like her. But they don't trust me because of what happened last time, well what they think happened last time. Me and Zach are finally good and when a girl comes into our lives he doesn't trust me anymore. I won't hurt her, I won't, I really like her, but Zach likes her too. I don't know what to do.

*Zach's POV*

Why does jack have to like every single girl I like. I don't trust he won't hurt her, or me like last time. I've only just forgiven him. I don't want to get hurt, if she likes him, I'll let her be with him. I don't want to go through what I did last time again.

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