CHAPTER 19 [it was ella]

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Jack stays in him room for the rest of the night. He doesn't come to see us, and we don't go to see him. He needs to cool off and no one mentions the 'argument'. We hear someone coming down stairs. "going out, bye" jack says bluntly and walks out the door. I roll my eyes and leave it. "you two were having the best night, I don't know what happened to him" Jonah says, "me either" I say.

"I'm tired I'm going bed" I say standing up, "you can't sleep by yourself" Zach says. "sure, I can" I say. I walk into jack's room and decide to sleep there. I hear a knock at the door. "I should tell you what happened" Zach says walking in. "no don't, I don't want to know, I'm sure it was nothing and I'm sure..." I got cut off by Zach, "he was talking to Ella" he says. I freeze. "what" I manage to get out.

"he never stopped speaking to her, when he told you he did" he says, "I saw her earlier" I say quietly. "you saw Ella" he says shocked. "yeah, she told me to be careful about jack because the reason she cheated on him is because he cheated on her, but he wouldn't lie to me, would he?" I ask, Zach looks down. "it's possible" he says, "no he wouldn't, he...why was he late to pick me up tonight" I say, holding back tears, "I don't know Luna" Zach says, I feel a tear run down my face.

Zach runs over to me and pulls me into a hug, "don't cry please" he says, "we don't even know what he was really doing" he says, "I've got a good idea" I say. Zach doesn't say anything, he hugs me tighter.

All the boy's pile in the room and join the hug. "we get if you want to go home" Daniel says, "yeah loo, we'll take you home right now" Corbyn says, "no I'll stay, but I'm not sleeping in here. Can I sleep on the couch or something?" I ask, "no, you'll sleep with me, I don't care what jack thinks" Zach says. "thanks" I say.

"okay let's get out of this room" Daniel says, we get up. I jump onto Corbyn's back, "go" I shout. He laughs, "you're literally a 5-year-old and you're turning 17 in a week" he says. "I know" I say. We both laugh. Corbyn takes me to Zach's room, "no funny business guys" he says. I roll my eyes. He walks out the room. "no funny business Zach" I say, "don't worry I'll sleep on top of the covers" he says. "good boy" I say. I get under the covers, Zach stays on top, like he said. "night babe, shit...err I mean Luna" Zach says, I laugh, "night cutie" I say.

Is it bad that I want something to happen between us? It's not, is it? Not if jack does something, or has already done something. I know we're not dating but, we pretty much are. Why did I trust him in the first place? Why didn't I listen to anyone? Like I said, I always fall for the bad boys.

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