CHAPTER 51 [1 week]

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*one week later*

Today the day the guys leave, they leave later tonight so I have all day to be with them. Right now, I'm at my hose with Avery since I called her over. I really need to talk to her, its important. It's been on my mind all week.

"Luna" she says, "sorry what" I say, "what did you want to talk to me about and why are you crying" she says, I wipe my face. "sorry, its err, I don't want to believe it" I say, "loo whatever it is you can tell me" she says, "I know I can, you're the only person I can tell right now" I say. She nods. "whenever you're ready" she says. "okay, so..."

*jack's POV*

So, the situation with me and Luna. Well we've been talking more, but it's still very quiet between us. We talk only when we have to. You're all probably mad at me for what I did but, I couldn't help it. I've always been like this, but I promised myself I wasn't going to hurt her, and I ruined it. like I usually do.

The past few days she's been extra awkward though, and I don't know why.

*Luna's POV*

"I did not expect that" Avery says, "are you okay" she asks, "I don't know, I don't even know for sure" I say wiping my tears away. "when are you seeing them, are you going to tell him" she asks, "I will when I know for sure, and that's what I need you to do" I say, "of course anything for you" she says standing up. She pulls me into a hug.

"you're going to get through this, you're going to be fine" she says. "thank you so much" I say. "I'll be back in 10 minutes, just hang tight okay" she says, "okay, and don't say anything to my mum please, even if she asks" I say, "of course" she says. she then walks out the room leaving me alone. I cry. I can't believe this is happening to me.

*1 hour later*

I'm outside the door of their house. I don't know how to act right now after what I just found out. I just walk in without knocking since they're expecting me.

I walk in to the boys running around the house looking for things. "okay what is going on" I say, "none of us have packed" Corbyn shouts, "of course" I say. "need help" I ask, "err, no we got it I think" Daniel says."okay" I say. "err where Zach" I ask, "upstairs" Jonah says, "okay" I say. I run upstairs and bump into someone.


"err sorry" I say, "its fine loo" he says, I give a weak smile. "hey, are you okay?" he asks, "what, oh yeah I'm fine" I say, "you sure" he asks, "jack I'm fine really" I say, "okay" he says. he walks past me downstairs and I carry on down the hall to Zach's room, his door is open. "hey" I say walking in. "hi" he says lying on his bed.

"okay everyone is running around trying to find things because they haven't packed and you are just chilling here" I say, "yeah pretty much" he says, I laugh a little. "I've hid some of their stuff, it's in my wardrobe" he says, "Zach last time you did that, they didn't speak to you for a week" I say sitting down. "I know but it's funny, I'll eventually tell them, probably an hour before we leave" he says. I laugh.

He leans over to kiss me, but I keep it quick. "you okay" he asks, "err yeah, I'm fine I just feel a bit, funny" I say, "are you sick" he ask, "err, yeah" I say. He nods. "come watch a movie with me" he says moving over and pulling his blanket over. I snuggle into his side as Netflix plays on his laptop.

"Zach where is my shoe" Corbyn says walking in, "where's my charger" Jonah asks, "yeah where my denim jacket?" Daniel asks, "Zach where the fuck is my beanie" jack asks. Me and Zach look at each other and burst out laughing.

"I don't think your plan worked" I say laughing, "in there" he says pointing at his wardrobe. Corbyn walks over and opens it, "that's where my black yeezys went" he says, I laugh even more. the boys take their things and leave. "they weren't supposed to find out until later" he says, I laugh.

An hour later we walk down stairs, "you guys ready for our lunch" Zach says throwing his arm around me. They all groan. "oh, come on, you guys are leaving for a month and this is my last day with you guys" I say hitting Corbyn on the head making him jump up. "get up guys" I shout, they all get up. Slowly.

We get to the restaurant and we eat our food. "so what is your first show" I ask, "err, I think its Atlanta" Daniel says, "I wish I was coming with you guys" I say, "we wish you could come too" Zach says, "maybe she can" jack says, "what" I say, "not like for the whole tour but like a few days or so" he says, "yeah, what's stopping you" Corbyn asks, "err" I say, I remember what could be stopping me. "nothing" Zach says, "I'll think about it, it's a lot to be away from my family" I say, "yeah we get it loo" Jonah says.

We get ready and pay the bill, "okay home then we have 3 hours before we leave" Zach says, "only 3" I say, "yeah" Corbyn says. "I'm coming to the airport with you" I say, "we know you are, we're glad you are" Corbyn says throwing his arm around me. "I'm going to miss you guys so much" I say hugging him, I begin to tear up. "please no crying yet" Zach says joining the hug. I laugh a little. "okay back to the house" I say.

We get back to the house and decide to swim, like we usually decide to do when were bored. I still need to talk to jack. Everyone is outside but him.

"err where's jack" I ask, "why are you always asking about jack" Zach asks, "dude calm your shit she was just asking" Corbyn says, "he's upstairs" Jonah says, "probably in his room" Daniel says shortly after. "okay thanks" I say, then I walk inside.

I go upstairs to see jack and his bedroom door is closed. I knock, shortly after he opens it. I feel like jelly, I've been here before. "Luna hey" he says, "err hi can we talk" I say, he looks confused but agrees. He lets me in his room and I sit on his bed. I haven't been in here in a while. "okay what do you want to talk about" jack says awkwardly, "err, it's kinda serious" I say, "you might want to sit down" I say after looking down at my hands. I feel jack sit down next to me. How do I tell him this?

Nobody Gotta Know// Why Don't WeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ