CHAPTER 56 [progression]

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Right now, were on the bus. Laughing. Talking. Eating. Just catching up. "so, Luna what have you been doing this past month" Jonah asks, "err, not a lot" I say looking at jack. "need some air" I say getting up and walking out the room.

I walk out the room and sit down. After a few minutes, someone joins me. Jack. "so how are you doing" he asks,"I don't know jack, I'm fucking pregnant at 17 and I haven't even told our best friends that's it's your fucking kid" I snap. "Luna please, listen, I'm being serious" he says taking my hand in his. "I meant what I said before we left, I'm going to help you through everything, I do love you, I know I don't have the right to tell you that" he says, he pauses. "but I mean it" he says, we start to lean in. I stop myself and stand up.

"I can't jack, with what happened last time, I can't" I say, "I know, I get it, but trust me, I am going to help you, I'm serious about this, about our kid" he says walking up to me and holding my hands. "what" I hear. Jacks shoots round and we see Zach standing in the door way, the rest of them just behind him. "shit" I mumble.

"err, guys, I didn't want you to find out this way" I say, jack places his hand on the small of my back. "but err" I say, I look down to my hands. I take a deep breath and look back up to. "I'm pregnant" I say, "and I'm the dad" jack says. Logan then walk on the bus, "I got ice cream" he shouts, he then freezes.

"what did I miss" he says, "Luna's pregnant" Daniel says, "you told them" Logan says looking at me. "he knows" Zach says, "I didn't want you to find out like this" I say, "how were you going to tell us then" Zach says raising his voice, I look down, "I don't know exactly" I say quietly. "of course, you don't" Zach says, "don't be mad at Luna, she's been going through a lot this month" jacks say to Zach, "yeah I'm sure she has" he says storming off. I start to tear up.

Corbyn pulls me into a hug, jack runs after Zach. "don't cry loo, don't cry" Corbyn says soothingly. "I'm sorry" I manage to get out, "you have nothing to be sorry for" Jonah says rubbing my back, "loo, you're pregnant your having a baby, there's nothing wrong with that" Daniel says, "I thought you would judge me and jack" I say, "why would we do that" Corbyn says pulling out of the hug and looking into my eyes.

"I don't know, that I'm 17 and having a kid with my ex who cheated on me" I say, "loo we don't judge you okay" Corbyn says pulling me into another hug, "we love you" he says. "I love you guys so much thanks for not freaking out" I cry into his chest. "I told you loo" I hear Logan say. "do you think Zach will come around" I ask, "I'm sure he will, he just needs time, he loves you, this new progression in our lives is going to have an impact on him" Logan says. "he hates me" I say, "no he doesn't loo, don't think that" Daniel says. "loo, he loves you so much" Jonah says rubbing my back.

"he's going to be fine, you're going to be fine, we're all going to help you" Corbyn says. "that's a promise" he finishes, "thank you guys" I say pulling all of them into group hug, including Logan.

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