CHAPTER 31 [I must be dreaming]

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I walk in to see a bed full of gifts and food. "what is this?" I ask, "all your favourite things" he says. I look closer and see all my favourite are really there. My favourite Starbucks drink, loads of sour apple flavoured candy, fuzzy socks and much more, there even a plain cheese pizza with jalapeno peppers on. Half of this stuff I don't even remember telling jack, "how did you know some of these things" I say picking up the fuzzy socks, "your mum helped" he says, "my mum?" I ask, a bit shocked. "yeah" he says.

I'm really surprized, this is why he hasn't been talking to me all day. He's been busy buying all of these things. My heart is melting, this is so cute he'd do this for me.

"thank you but what is this..." I get cut off, "wait, one more thing" he says walking into his bathroom. He comes out with a huge life sized white teddy bear, I cover my mouth in shock. "I remember you saying that you've always wanted one of these but you can never find one so I got you one" he says, I run up to him and kiss him. "thank you so much" I say, trying to pick up the teddy bear.

"why did you do all this" I ask, "read this" he says handing me a card, "it says everything in there" he says blushing. I smile a little. I take the card and open it up.

Dear Luna,

Okay, I'm not really one for expressing my feelings so I wrote you this. When I first saw you, I knew  you were the one. You were a gorgeous shy girl with her loud best friend sitting on a bench with 5 idiots singing to you. Little do you know those 5 idiots would become your best friends.

Me, well I'm a little different. I was never interested in being your friend, I wanted to be more than that. I know its selfish, but I tried to get you before Zach did. When you gave me and chance it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. But of course, me and my stupid ways I messed it up.

I have a habit of messing up the good things in my life, I promised myself I wouldn't hurt you and I did. I hated myself for it, I knew I would never get another chance so I did everything to get over you. When I saw you with Zach my heart broke. I tried to avoid you as much as possible. I loved you too much to let you be someone else but I wanted what was best for you. I heard you and Zach that night and my heart broke again. I came out my room to see if you were okay but I couldn't find you.

The night before we did something. You told me it didn't mean anything and my heart broke again. My heart breaks a lot when I'm without you.

I didn't see you for a month. When I finally saw you after you ran into me, I didn't realise what I'd missed until then. You were stunning, you always are. I couldn't help but come and try to sort things out. It didn't work out as I planned but you did come around eventually.

I was bottling up all my feelings that month, when I finally got you alone I couldn't help myself. I promised myself and you that night that I would never let you go and I would treat you right. That was the night I told you I loved you.

Since the first time I saw you I knew we could be something. I didn't know then but I fell head over heels in love with you. I meant what I said when I told you I loved you. I thinks about time I asked you.

Look at me...

I read as I tear drop falls onto the card, I look up. "will you be my girlfriend" jack asks, "yes omg a billion times yes" I scream as I run u to him and pull him into a kiss. He deepens the kiss. I pulled away, "I love you so fucking much jack Avery" I say, "I love you more, I'm never letting you go, I promise you that" he says, I kiss him again.

"YES" I hear someone shouts, "Corbyn shut up they'll hear us" I hear someone whisper, me and jack look and each other and get the same idea. We both start making sex noises, to trick the guys who were listening outside the door.

"ew bro they're doing it again" I hear some says. Me and jack open the door and the rest of the boys fall on the floor in front of us. "you're not every quiet guys" I say. Jack throws his arm around me, "yeah you kinda ruined the moment" he says sliding his hand down to my ass and squeezing. I look at him, of course he has a smirk on his face.

"congratulations guys" Corbyn says getting up. "yeah congrats" Zach says, "my ship is finally together" Daniel says, "about time you too" Jonah says, we all laugh. I pull them into a group hug.

The hug breaks up and all the guys go back downstairs. Jack picks me up I wrap my legs around his waist, we kiss. The kiss is full of passion and love. I'm in love with jack Avery. and thank god, we've finally made it official.

"my girlfriend is spending the night with me" he says, "look like I'm spending the night with my boyfriend" I say, we both laugh a little. "it's about time you asked me" I say, "I know" he says. we kiss again. "wait" he says pulling away from the kiss, "what you calling the bear" he asks, "hmm, how about jack" I say, he laughs. "perfect name" he says.

I'm officially dating the Jack Avery. And he's dating me. I have a boyfriend, and its jack fucking Avery. I must be dreaming. This is the best feeling ever.

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