CHAPTER 43 [he lied]

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As I wake up, I notice I'm trapped. I have jack's arms wrapped around me and our legs are tangled. I smile down at him. I lean over to grab my phone and snap a photo for snapchat making sure not to get most of his neck in due to the 100 hickeys I left there. I post it to my story with the caption 'my sleeping beauty'. I kiss his head and he moves a little. I manage to untangle myself from him and I grab one of his shirts and I put it on, along with some underwear since I'm naked.

I turn to see jack still sleeping, I walk into the bath room and see the monstrosity that it my neck. It looks like I've been attacked by a wild animal. Jack went all in last night. Me and jack definitely have a lot of sexual chemistry which means a very sexual relationship. But I don't mind, it's our relationship, we do what we want.

I walk back into jack bedroom and see he's still sleep and he's probably still going to be asleep for the net hour or 2. I walk downstairs to see no one else awake except from Corbyn. "hey how come were the only one up" I say plopping next to him, "well Christina will be landing in like 2 hours" he says, "omg, she's coming today, that's gone so fast" I say, "this time last month I had nothing to do with you guys" I say looking down, "hey, you're with us now" he says placing his hand on my shoulder. I smile at him.

"okay Luna, have you been attacked at the neck by a wild animal, I heard a lot of noise last night" he says causing me to cover my face with both of my hands. "we were that loud" I say, "you guys are always loud, you need to learn to be quieter" he jokes, I laugh. "sorry" I say laughing, "its fine don't worry, I'm surprised you forgave him that easily after what happened" he says causing me to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"what do you mean, nothing happened between them" I say, "what did jack tell you exactly" he says grabbing my hand, I'm starting to get a bad feeling. "he said nothing happened, and nothing did, did it Corbyn" I say getting worried, "it's really not my place to say" he says, "Corbyn if jack is lying to me you have to tell me" I say, "I can't" he says, "Corbyn" I shout. "loo, please" he says, "no, Corbyn, if something happened, tell me, if jack is lying, tell me, you're the only other person who knows what happened because you found them together" I say, "Corbyn please, tell me the truth" I say as a tear falls down my face.

He looks up to meet my eyes. "okay" he says, "when I opened the door, jack had only a towel on and..." he says pausing, "and what" I say, Corbyn stays quiet, "Corbyn what" I say. "and they were, in a situation" he says, "situation, what situation, Corbyn tell me" I say crying, "they were err, kissing" he says, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "he lied" I say, "he lied" I repeat, but shouting this time.

Corbyn pulls me into a tight hug, "loo please" he says, I cry into his chest. "he cheated, he promised he wouldn't, I gave him another chance" I say, "loo I'm so sorry" he says letting me out the hug. I stand up and run upstairs leaving Corbyn sitting on the couch looking guilty and sorry.

I see Zach open his bedroom door and the first thing I do is run up to him and pull him into a kiss, he kisses back instantly, his hands on my waist and mine around his neck. I feel him get ripped away from me and I freeze when I see who it was.

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