CHAPTER 57 [the same luna]

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*1 week later*

"Zach still isn't talking to me" I say to jack. "I know, he isn't speaking to me either" he says. "what are we going to do" I ask, "I don't know, just gotta give him time" he says holding my hand. "if I kiss you now, what does it mean" he asks, I back away a little. "jack, I know we've been getting closer but, we are just friends, I can't go through that again" I say, "I know, I understand" he says, "I'll wait as long as I need to" he mumbles, thinking I can't hear. "I heard that" I say, "good, now you know" he says smiling. I roll my eyes.

"you really did hurt me jack" I say, "I know I did, and I'm sorry, but I'll make it up to you" he says. "I hope you do" I say. They've just finished tour and jack and I have an appointment coming up for you know...the baby. "when's the appointment" jack asks, "tomorrow at 2" I say, "don't be late" I say, "I won't" he says. I get up.

"where you going" he asks, "I think it's time for me to pay someone a visit" I say. He nods knowing what I meant. I walk out jacks room making sure to close the door behind me. I walk over to Zach's door opposite the hall. I hesitate to knock but eventually I do. I raise my hand and I knock 3 times. He opens the door almost instantly. "oh" he says when he realises it's me and tries to close the door on me, I push it open. "nope we're talking" I say walking in the room and sitting own on his bed.

"no, we're not" he says trying to walk out, I stop him by grabbing his hand.  "Zach please, I need you to talk to me" I say. "fine" he says letting me walk him to the bed and sit him down. "what" he says, "Zach, not what, you haven't spoken a word to me since you found out I was having jacks kid" I say, "and that's why, I love you and your pregnant with your ex's kid" he snaps. "Zach please" I say, "why aren't you showing" he asks, "I'm not that far along" I say, "well how far along are you" he asks, "just over a month" I say looking at my hands. "wow, over a month and I found out last week" he says. "some friend you are" he says standing up.

"is that all I am to you" I say, he pauses, "a friend, you tell me you love me and now I'm just a friend" I say. "I love you Luna but I don't know what to do in a situation like this" he says, "and you think I know what to do in a situation like these, I'm scared Zach" I say, "I've seen how close you and jack have been getting, I'm pretty sure you have someone to talk to" he says, "I want you to talk to Zach" I say.

"then why didn't you tell me sooner, you knew you were pregnant when I left, why didn't you tell me then" he asks, "I was scared you'd hate me" I shout, "I don't hate you, I couldn't hate you, I just, I don't know what to do, how to react, how to even act around you anymore" he says, and with that he turns around to face the door and walks out leaving me there sitting in his bed. I go after him and stop him half way down the hall.

I turn him to face me, "I'm still the same Luna" I say, I pull him into a kiss. He kisses back instantly. His hands grip my hips as mine wrap around his neck. As we pull away I smile. "this is bringing back memories" he says, I laugh. "yeah, just the other way around" I say. "I still need time Luna" he says stroking my cheek and considering my eyes, "I know you do" I say. "why..." he stops and looks down, "why what" I ask, "it doesn't matter" he says looking me in my eyes again.

I nod and pull him into a hug, "don't treat me any different Zach" I whisper. He hums in acknowledgement. "I'll give you the time you need, just promise me you'll stay" I say looking into his eyes, "I can't lose you" I say. "I promise" he says pecking my lips. I smile. "I'm sorry for freaking out and not speaking to you" he says, "its fine, I understand" I say. He smiles.

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