CHAPTER 4 [all five]

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I open the door to see Aiden, with no shirt on, on top of a girl on his bed. "SERIOUSLY" I shout. He turns around to face me, I see Jorgie on his bed. "babe hey" he says like it's nothing, "really? Don't babe me" I say, I'm pissed. He walks over to me. Jorgie is laughing. "I was going to break up with you anyway, you're no fun" he says, damn. "no fun, because I don't jump on your dick every 5 seconds I'm no fun, good thing we're done then" I say, "okay yeah cool" he says, jerk. I laugh and throw his shoes on the floor. "bye bitch" I hear Jorgie shout. I ignore her ad walk out.

I'm mad he cheated on me, but I'm relived. I hated him. I'm not going to cry I'm not like that, he's cheating ass that don't deserve me. I text Avery.

Me: You were right, Aiden is a major fuckboy that doesn't care about me at all, wanna go see Zach and his friends now

BESTFRIEND: knew it!!!!!!

BESTFRIEND: I'm so sorry but I told you, he's an ass. You don't need him loo lets go see the boys

After I text Zach,

Me: Could we come over know?

Cutie: sure, here's our address,

Cutie: *address*

Me: You live together

Cutie: yeah, see you soon?

Me: Yup

I turn off my phone and call an uber. I ask to pick someone up on the way, we go to get Avery. She gets in the car and we talk about what we think they will be like.

We pull up to the house, its huge, well it's a bit bigger than mine but it still looks huge. "dang, these guys are rich" Avery says, "looks like it huh?" I say. We knock on the door. I'm nervous what if they don't like me? What if they don't like us?

Zach opens the door, he has the biggest smile on his face. "Luna" he shouts and pulls me into a hug. "hey" I say. "hi" he says, we look at each other for a bit, "and Avery" Avery says me and Zach laugh, "hey Avery" he says, pulling her into a hug too. "come on in guys" he says. We walk in to see 2 guys on the couch. I don't see curly, but I see the guy Avery was eye-balling. I look over to her, she sees him too, she's starring. I hear shouting and heavy footsteps running down the stairs, I look and someone is running down stairs with a t-shirt in his hand laughing. I still don't see curly.

Oh, I see him now. He runs after blondie with the shirt, he's shirtless. Damn those abs. I can't stop looking. "give me my shirt back Corbyn" he shouts. Okay, blondie is called Corbyn. He laughs and runs towards Zach and hides behind him. Curly walks over. He's looking at me, I should probably stop starring. He sees me and smirks. "hey" he says, "hi" I say shyly. "put a shirt on jack, we have guests" I hear Zach say, "he took it and ran off, plus I don't think she mind" he says, he winks at me.

Curly has a name, jack, I like it. Zach turns around and snatches the shirt out of blondies hand and throw it at jack. He puts it on. "guys, " Zach shouts, "this is Luna" he points at me, "and this is Avery" he points at Avery. "I'm Jonah" the tall one says. "I'm Daniel" blues eyes says, those eyes though.

"thanks" he says, "shit, I said that out loud" I said, everyone laughs, Avery pushes me. I know she likes Daniel, which makes this even more funny. "I'm Corbyn" blondie says, "jack" curly says. Ugh, I'm in love he's gorgeous. "so that is everyone" Zach says. "Here come sit down" he says, directing me and Avery to the couch.

We sit down and start talking. "so, Luna how old are you" jack asks, "sixteen but I'm 17 in 2 months" I say, "Zach's got chance this time" Jonah says, everyone laughs but Zach just goes red. "you the same" Daniel asks Avery, "I'm 17" she says. They start starring at each other. "okay then" I say, Avery laughs. "so, how old are you guys" I ask, "19, I'm the oldest" Jonah says with a smile, "18" Daniel, Corbyn and jack say at the same time. "16" Zach says, "he's the baby" Corbyn says. I laugh.

Couple hours go by, we sit talking and laughing. I learned they are a band called why don't we and from what I've seen they are very good. Avery and Daniel have gotten closer and closer to each other. He has his arm around her now. I'm sitting next to Zach, Jonah, Corbyn and jack are sitting together. These guys are the funniest people I've ever met. I feel like I've know them forever.

I'm usually awkward around people I don't know, but around them it feels easy, I like it. "let's play truth or dare" I suggest and everyone agrees. "who's going first" Jonah asks, "I will" jack says, "truth or dare" I ask, "dare" he says, "go jump in the pool, with your clothes on" he rolls his eyes and runs outside.

We all follow him to the window and he cannon balls into the pool. We all laugh as he gets out. He comes and sits back down, still soaking wet. "okay the Luna, truth or dare" Corbyn asks me. "erm, dare" I say. His eyes widen, I guess he came up with a dare, should I be scared?

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