CHAPTER 65 [forever and always]

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*The next day*

I wake up early to make sure everything was ready for violet's birthday. We were planning on having it at my house but obviously she and I slept round jacks. I had Corbyn drop off everything when I woke up. He didn't say anything about zach. The rest of the guys are coming round later tonight.

I haven't heard anything from zach. I walked out on him, he didn't run after me, he didn't text or call. Nothing. Its like the break up didn't even matter to him. it hurts yes, but it was definitely for the best.

As for jack, I don't know what's happening with him. I kiss him last night and not because I had just broke up with zach. But, because, I wanted to, its been something I've wanted for a while.

"morning princess" I hear jack say while he kisses my cheek. I smile. "you always used to call me that" I say, "and you loved it" he winks. I roll my eyes. "is she awake" I ask, "no, not yet" he says, "I thought she'd be up and jumping around already" I say, "me too" jack says sitting down next to me."wanna wake her up" I say, "in a minute" he says placing his hand on my leg.

"loo, about last night" he says, "I'm fine" I interrupt. "and the kiss" he says, "I don't regret it, I meant everything I said jack, I love you, its always been you" I say, he looks into my eyes, "I love you too" he says. I smile. Jack start to lean in to kiss me when... "mommy, daddy" we hear, we look over the couch to see a smiley, now, 3 year old holding her pink unicorn teddy her uncle Daniel got her. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY VEE" me and jack shout as we walk over to her.

Jack picks her up and kisses her on the head as he pulls me into a hug as well. He lets her down and I kiss her cheek. "is this all mine" she says, wide eyes along with a huge smile. "of course it is sweetie" I say. She squeals as she starts to open all her presents. "priceless" jack whispers to me, I smile at him and he pecks me on the lips quick so violet does't see.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE VEE" I hear 3 guys, holding huge bags, shout from the door bursting open. I jump out of my skin. "uncle bean" violet shouts running up to him, "wow forget about us then" Daniel says, I laugh. I don't see zach. After violet opens up all her presents and said hi to all the guys I pull Corbyn aside. "where's Zach" I ask, "I don't know ain't seen him since yesterday" he says, "did you sleep here" he asks me, "why" I say, "you're still in your pyjamas loo" he says, my face goes red. "err yeah" I say, "did you and zach have a fight" he asks me, "not a fight, err, we broke up" I say, he doesn't say anything.

He just pulls me into a hug and doesn't let me go for a few minutes. "loo im sorry" he says pulling away, "it's fine, todays about violet" I say wiping a tear that fell. I smile it off and we join the others. "all good" jack whispers to me, placing his hand on the small of my back, "yeah" I say, giving him a weak smile.

*later on*

"have a good birthday sweetie" I say picking her up, "I three now mummy" she says with a hug smile. I smile back to her, "I know you are" I say, "our little baby" jack says joining us. "mummy where uncle zachy" she asks, "erm, he was really busy today" I say, "okay" she says looking down. "come on princess lets do your cake" jack says rubbing violets back.

I put violet on a chair as jack turns the lights off and re-enters with a birthday cake lit with candles. I see violets eyes widen. Me and jack begin to sing happy birthday, like we did earlier with the guys before they left. "make a wish" jack says after we finish singing, she thinks for a minute then blows the candles out.  "guess what I wished for mummy" violets says, "don't tell me, you're not suppose to" I laugh, she frowns.

"I don't care" she says, "I wished for you and daddy to stay together, I like you too together" she says, I smile looking down at her. I look at jack, who is glossy eyed, "I like this too" I say. "promise you'll stay together daddy" she says turning to her, "I promise this time princess, forever and always" he says. she smiles widely.

Forever and always.

Holy crap, I think that's the end. I might do a time jump if you guys want one, but if not this is the end of the book. Thank you all for reading!

- Pinky <3

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