CHAPTER 21 [I'll talk to Zach]

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I turn around and see Ella. Seriously where is this bitch coming from. "how do you keep popping up at the worst time possible" I say, tears down my face. "I needed to show you" she said. "so, it was you, why did you do that to me he was my boyfriend" I say, getting angry. "he was never your boyfriend" she says, "and thanks to you he never will be" I say, I swear I'm going to slap this bitch.

"I needed to show you what kind of guy jack was, I didn't even have to force it on him" she says sounding pleased with herself. I slap her. "because we fell out before he even went to see you" I shout in her face. "why don't you ask Zach about that" she says, looking smug, I slap her again, this time she slaps back. "that's enough of that" Corbyn says, appearing out of nowhere. Picking me up and pulling me away. "Corbyn" Ella shouts, "you've done enough, leave us alone" he says. She doesn't say anything after that.

"don't listen to her, jack loves you, something must've happened" he says wiping my tears away. "clearly not anymore, or Zach" I say. "I don't want to see any of them" I say, crying. "at least let them explain" he says, "I'll listen to Zach" I say finally. "I don't want to see jack after what he did" I say. "okay, do you want to go back to the house" he asks, "no, my mum's going to be home later tonight, tell Zach to come to mine, make sure jack doesn't find out" I tell him, he nods.

I head back to mine to see Avery sitting on my front step. "Luna what is going on" she asks, "I'll tell you later, I've got no time to explain, Zach's coming over then my mums going to be home" I say trying to walk past her into my house. "Zach? What happened with jack" she asks, "Avery, I love you, but I can't explain right now, I'll tell you soon, I promise" I say walking into my house. I close the door. I feel bad I closed the door in her face.

20 minutes later I get a knock at my door. I open it to see a guilty Zach. "hi" I say, "hi" he says back finally looking into my eyes. "come in" I say, he walks in and we sit on the couch. "I'm only giving you this chance once, so don't miss a single detail" I say. He nods.

"okay, erm, well I guess I'll start when I went to go see if jack was ready to go see photo's. I knocked on the door and heard no answer, I walked in and didn't see him, I checked his bath room, I didn't see him. I came downstairs and saw the front door open a bit. He was outside on the phone to Ella. I heard him say 'I won't say anything about it Ella', that's how I knew it was her. You told me he stopped talking to her so I was confused" he says, playing with his hands.

"I guess I could have jumped to conclusions about what they were talking about but, I snapped. He ended the phone call as soon as he saw that I came outside. I started going off on one about how I always knew he would fuck up your relationship and how you deserved better and I told him we almost kissed, it slipped out I didn't mean to say it" he says, looking really guilty. "why would you say that Zach?" I ask, "I didn't mean to, I really didn't, it just got me mad that he lied to you and was talking to Ella I just got mad. Anyway, he got even more mad than he already was when I told him that, I said I'd treat you better and you were supposed to be with me, because he stole you off me" he says grabbing my hands. "he stole another girl off me and I was sick of it, I couldn't control myself" he says.

"after I said that he went quiet, he didn't say anything after that so I joined you guys back outside, then jack joined us and he was a dick to you, I didn't want to tell you what happened because I didn't want to lose you as well as my best friend. I guess jack thought I told you about it and that you moved on and that's why he left, to see Ella that night, that's why he cheated on you, it was all my fault" he says, he was tearing up. I pull him into a hug.

"I understand why you didn't tell me, but Zach, I'm not some prize that you can pick off the shelf" I say, "I'm a person too, I have feelings, I don't get what this game is between you and jack, but you have to stop playing it" I say. He looks in my eyes. "I'm so sorry" he says. "can we be friends" I say, "err, sure" he hesitates to say, I know he wants to be more but after today, I don't think that can happen, not yet at least.

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