CHAPTER 18 [he was late]

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"do you have any idea where you're going" Avery ask, looking through my closet. We're getting ready for my date with jack. "he said, it was fun" I say, "got it" she says, pulling out an outfit.

"how can you always pick the perfect thing?" I ask

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"how can you always pick the perfect thing?" I ask. "I'm a fashion guru" she says, "and your best friend" she laughs. "thanks, I can take it from here he'll be her in 20 minutes" I say looking at my phone, "nope, I'm helping" she says. "all I have to do is get changed" I say. "and pick your shoes" she says, I laugh.

I'm ready now and waiting for jack. Avery left 5 minutes ago to meet Daniel. I didn't tell Avery about Ella. I'll tell her when Daniel does. I decide not to tell the boys. Its 6:15 and jacks late. I hear a knock at the door. I open it and see jack. "I'm so sorry I'm late! he says, "its fine its only 15 minutes" I say, "you look good" he says looking up and down at me. "not too bad yourself" I joke. "so, where are we going" I ask, "I hope you like fair rides" he says, "I love them" I say. We get in the car and go.

**at the fair**

We've been here for an hour and have only been on a few rides. We are in line for a roller coaster when jack pulls me into a kiss. It was a long kiss. "what was that for" I ask, "I really like you" he says, "I like you too" I say, we kiss again. "oh, hey jack, Luna" Corbyn says coming out of nowhere. "where did you..." I begin to say. "oh, hey guys" Jonah says. "what?" jack says, and then all the boys come out. "what are you guys doing here" I ask, "we got bored and missed both of you, so were crashing your date" Zach says smiling.

"thanks guys but I wanted some alone time with Luna" jack says putting his arm around me. "okay fine we'll go on some other rides" Daniel says. "dani, did you tell Avery" I ask. "yeah, we're good now" he says. "good" I say, the boys walk off to some other ride. "did you tell them we were here" I ask jack, "yeah, but how would they find us" he says. "I don't know" I laugh. We get on the roller coaster.

After we play some fair games. Jack wins me a big teddy bear. It's like what you see in movies, the date was perfect. After a few hours, we meet up with the guys and go home. "thanks for tonight, it was perfect" I say to jack, resting my head on his shoulder, "you're perfect" he says, I can feel myself blush. I peck him on his lips. "when is your family coming back" he asks me "err, tomorrow" I say, "so you can sleep again" he asks, "sure" I say.

We get back to the house, just me and the boys. "I'll be back in a minute" jack says kissing my cheek, "okay". I sit down, Zach joins me and the others go outside. "hey Zach" I say, "how was your date, jack seemed in a rush to get you, he left like half an hour early" he says, I get confused, jack was late to pick me up. "jack was late to pick me up" I say. "that doesn't make any sense, he left early" Zach says, I'm starting to get a bad feeling.

Zach looks guilty. "hey, don't worry, he probably had to go somewhere before picking you up" Zach says, "yeah, probably" I say. Me and Zach sit watching YouTube videos. I'm surprised me and Zach are still close even after what I did to him. We watch one of Logan's vlogs, it was fairly new.

Logan filmed me and Zach kissing in the first few days of me knowing him. As we watch it, I see Zach starting to turn red. The kiss wasn't obvious, it was in the background but we could see it. "well..." I say a bit awkwardly. Zach looks at me. "you've gone red" I say. He laughs. "sorry, guess I'm not completely over it" he says, "over what?" I ask. "You. Us" he says, he starts to lean in, I start to as well, why do I want to kiss him. Do I still like him?

"hey Luna, can you come take a photo with us" Corbyn shouts interrupting me and Zach. "err, yeah sure" I say. Me and Zach get up, a bit awkwardly. "we don't need to talk about it" he whispers to me. I nod as we go outside to take pictures. Jack wasn't outside so Zach goes to get him. We wait for 10 minutes.

They finally come out, both faces red, they look like they've had an argument. I ignore it, the boys seem to be confused. We take photos and they turn out cool. I post one on my Instagram and they post one on theirs.

I get scared what people are going to comment on my photo. But so far, their fans are being nice to me. Yes, there is one or two 'hate comments' but the majority are nice.

I see jack siting down, looking out of place so I go to talk to him. "hey, you okay" I ask, "yeah fine" he says, shortly. "well do you want to do something, watch a movie I don't know" I ask, "no, I'm good" he says walking off. "he just needs time to cool off" Daniel says, "cool off from what" I ask, "Zach and him had an argument" he says, "Zach seems fine" I say, "Zach won the argument" Jonah says. "jacks not happy" he continues. What could they be arguing about?

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