CHAPTER 20 [good one jack]

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*Still Luna's POV*

I'm down stairs drinking coffee, nothing happened between me and Zach last night, we just slept. Jack didn't come home either. I knocked on his door this morning to sort things out but he wasn't there. Zach comes down and sits next to me. "morning Luna" he says, "morning Zach" I say. "how you feeling" he asks, "good, I think" I say. That's when jack walks in.

I could tell by the shirt he was wearing that he had several hickeys on his neck, he didn't have those last night when he left. "wow, good one jack" Zach says sarcastically, pointing out the hickeys. "what's it to you" jack says. "it's whatever" jack says. "sure, whatever" I say. He rolls his eyes and walks out the room. "what did I do wrong" I ask, "nothing, you didn't do anything" Zach says.

He pulls me into a hug. I feel like crap. I know we weren't dating but, we had a 'thing' I guess, and he ruined that. He told me he cared about me, he told me he'd never cheat on me. He was just lying. The whole story about Ella, was a lie. I don't get why I didn't believe her when she spoke to me. It was probably her who gave him those hickeys, but I don't care, I don't want anything to do with Jack Avery. Not anymore.

"so, how's everyone doing" Corbyn says walking in. "shit loo, you okay" he says coming over to me and pulling me in a hug. "I'm fine, just look at jack's neck, he seems fine too" I say. "he's an idiot" he says, "let's do something today, without jack" he says. I smile a little. "okay" I say. "let's have a chill day, a few movies and popcorn and a lot of food" Corbyn says, "you know me so well" I say. He pulls me into another hug. "love you loo" he says, "love you too bean" I say.

"harry potter movies?" Zach asks, "OF COURSE" I shout. We all laugh. "someone say harry potter movies" Jonah walks in, "we're watching them all day so get ready" Daniel follows, "you too dani" I say. "huh" he says, looking half asleep. "we're watching harry potter and eating all day now come one" I say. "okay cool" he says.

We are all on the couch with blankets over us, food ready, watching harry potter and the chamber of secrets, we've already watched the first one. Jack has been up in his room all day. I'm snuggled into Zach's side, Corbyn on the other side of me. Then dani and Jonah. Yes, I'm snuggled into Zach side, so what. It's not like he's tried anything and plus, jack has moved on completely and I don't even know how it ended. Oh, yeah, he fucked another girl. That's how it ended. I don't even know what I did wrong and its killing me. Did something go down between Ella and jack that made him forget about me completely, did Zach say something? I don't even know.

"well you moved on quick" I hear from behind us. "well, looks like you have as well, I don't even know where it went wrong" I say, "ask Zach, he knows plenty" jack says. I look at Zach. "Zach?" I say. "you've known all this time" I say, "I'm sorry, but I did what was bes..." I cut him off, "don't talk to me" I say. I get up and run out the house.

I start pacing outside, Zach knew all along and he didn't tell me, he knew why jack did what he did, he might have even lead him to do it in the first place. I literally can't trust anyone.

I hear footsteps running after me, I don't turn around. "Luna wait" I hear, I turn around and see...

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