CHAPTER 26 [think about it]

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**1 month later**

So, you probably wondering who I chose. And I didn't choose any. In fact, I removed them both from my life completely. All why don't we. I haven't seen them since my birthday. They've tried talking to me, but I ignored it. I thought it was best for me, Zach, jack and everyone else. Too much drama goes along with being involved with that band.

I was walking to the hill to meet Avery when I hear a familiar voice singing. I turn to see Zach, singing to a girl, handing her a rose, just like he did to me, across the street, I feel awkward but I'm happy he's happy, all my feelings for Zach left when I left the house on my birthday. I don't have any feelings left for him like I did.

But jack is another story, I haven't been able to get rid of them. No matter what I did. I fell in love with jack the first time I saw him. he was my first. I'm always going to love him.

I start walking faster making sure Zach doesn't see me and because I don't know how close the other guys are. I bump into someone, not watching where I was going. "I'm so sorry" I say as I see a phone hit the floor that wasn't mine. I bend down to pick it up, when I meet his eyes I realise who it was, I freeze. "jack" I say. "Luna" he says with a smile, I miss him saying my name. "omg Luna" I hear Corbyn say, I turn to see all the guys staring at me. "I'm sorry I can't do this" I say handing jack his phone back and I run off to meet Avery at the hill.

"you would have never guess who I've just seen" I say, "harry styles" (A/N - shout out to harry he's my fave) she says, "ha ha, very funny, no, I'm being serious" I say, "who then" she asks, "well, it was Zach, then jack, then Corbyn, then everyone else, I ran off" I say. "why, it's good you saw them" she says, "no its not, I broke 2 of their hearts and ruined my relationship with the others because I was selfish" I say, "they made you happy" she says, "I know they did" I admit.

"did you see they realised that song they wrote for you the other day" she asks, "err, yeah, I did" I say. "we'll have you listened to it" she asks, "err, no, not since they sung it to me on my birthday" I say looking down. "well, let's get out of the droopy mood and go get Starbuck" she says, "good" I say.

We go get Starbucks, then we go back to mine. Like we always do. Avery links her phone to my Bluetooth speaker and starts playing music. I hear 'never know' come on and stop what I'm doing. "I'll change it" she says when she realises I wasn't moving. "no, no, keep it on, I think it's about time I heard it" I say, she just nods.

As soon as I hear jack sing I burst out in tears. I miss everything about him, his voice, his smile, his laugh, everything. "you miss him" Avery says, "I miss them all, more than you know" I say, calming down. After the song finishes Avery is staring at me.

"why did you never choose jack" she asks, my heart dropped when I heard the question. "err, I couldn't do it to Zach, even though I love jack, I couldn't hurt Zach like that, so I stepped out of the situation. They seem better without me any way" I say. "you don't seem better without them" she says. I don't say anything, I try to ignore what she just said because it breaks my heart to think about them.

I love them all so much, I thought I did the best thing, leaving them. But truth is, I've been nothing like myself. I've been camping out in my room, hardly going out anywhere, only wearing sweats. I hate it. I do miss them, but not all the pain that went along with it.

Avery decides to sleep round mine. We are watching 'maze runner' it's our favourite film to watch together. (A/N - this is actually my favourite film ngl) I don't know why but it is. We've decided to avoid any conversation why don't we or jack related for the night. But it's not easy when I have 2 8-year olds asking me when jack is coming over again, they miss him. In such a short time of knowing the boys, they got close to my family, jack especially.

"LOO LOO LUNA!" I hear Jayden shout, he bangs on my door. I open it. "jacks here" he says excited. "what" I say. "jack is here to play with us, but we need you to play because we need 4 people" he says. I rush downstairs to see jack sitting with Jordyn. "jack what are you doing here" I say. He gets up. "I came to talk to you, but I was pulled in by these two, to play a game" jack says as he puts his arm round the twins on either side to him.

"Luna can you play with us please" Jordyn says, dragging on the word please. "sorry, but jack has to go now" I say, and I pull jack to the door. "please, I just want to talk, we all miss you, I miss you" he says, brushing his hand across my cheek. I move his hand away from my face, "I can't jack, please understand" I say. "just think about it" he says as he walks out the door.

"oh, come on it's a sign, you have to make up with them" my mum says as she leans again the wall, her arms crossed. "I will think about it" I say, "please do, I want Jacky to play with us soon" Jordyn says, I crouch down so I'm face to face with her. "Jacky...that's a new one" I say, "I always call him that" she says, "well, you and Jayden are too young to understand my relationship with him" I say, trying my best to explain it to her. "he's your boyfriend, we know" Jayden says, "no, jay jay, he's not" I say. I plant a kiss on both of their heads and head upstairs.

"he's right you know" Avery says, "please think about it" she says. "maybe" I say, we carry on watching our film. So much for avoiding the subject of any of the why don't we boys.

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