CHAPTER 29 [is he avoiding me]

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I woke up with jack's arms wrapped around me. I smile as I remember what happened last night. I kiss his forehead and get out if bed. "don't go" I hear a sleepy voice says, I turn around. "I'm coming back" I say walking closer to him. "lips" he says, puckering his lips. I lean down and peck his lips, "more" he shakes his head, I kiss him again but this time longer. He pulls me back onto him. "round 2" he says. I laugh, "maybe later" I wink as I get off him.

I walk out to see all the boys spread across the floor, they slowly start to wake up. Corbyn's up first. "guessing you had fun last night" he says, "what" I say a bit embarrassed. "we heard you, you weren't exactly quiet" Daniel says. "shit" I say. Then jack enters, "morning guys" he says, they all stare at him. "what did I miss" he says confused, "we weren't as quiet as we thought last night" I say, his eyes widen. I laugh. "just jealous that I'm getting some and you guys ain't" jack says causing all the guys to argue over who is 'getting more' or whatever that means.

He comes and wraps his arms around my waist from behind and kisses my cheek. I turn to face him and kiss him on the lips. "you have nice lips" he says, "could say the same about yours" I say, he smirks. "get a room" all the guys shout. "happily" jack says, "no, actually don't, you're too loud, I couldn't sleep last night" Jonah says, "I was fine" Zach says, "of course you were" Daniel says. I laugh.

"how did I manage to stay away from you guys for a month" I say, "I don't know" jack says kissing my cheek again. I decide to go home, and get ready there since I haven't brought any clothes with me. I call Avery on my way home and I tell her everything that happen, including me and jack.

"you don't have 100 hickeys that I'll have to cover up again" she says, "no, I don't, only a few" I say. "so, I won't have to cover them up" she says, "no don't worry" I say, we both laugh.

When I get home, I'm bombarded with questions from my mum. I tell her everything, minus the part of me and jack, I don't think she wants to know about my sex life. Even Jayden and Jordyn were asking me question, mark as well. I'm surprised even after a month everything went back to what it was before.

"so, can Jacky come around now and play" Jordyn asks, "probably soon" I say. "yay, he can teach me to skateboard" Jayden says, "jay jay you don't even have a skateboard" I say. I text jack.

Me: wanna come around for a bit? xx 

Noodlehead: sorry busy, talk later

Jacks message was very short. I text the others and theirs was the same. Maybe they're doing some meeting or something...I don't know.

I get roped in to swimming with Jayden and Jordyn, their friend Brandon is over, I think Jordyn has a little crush. Mum told me to watch them since her and mark have gone shopping, they've been gone for 2 hours they should be back soon.

I still haven't heard anything from jack, I've heard from Corbyn but not jack. I don't know, it seems like he's avoiding me, after this morning, I thought we were good.

"hey, Luna, can we have ice cream" Jordyn asks, breaking me out of my thoughts, "I'll go see of there's any on the freezer" I say getting up. I go inside and open the freezer. We do have ice cream, I pick three up and take them outside. "here you go guys" I say, the three kids come running towards me for their ice cream. "WERE BACK" I hear my mum shout. Finally.

I run inside, "it's about time, I wanna go see the boys" I say, "you wouldn't have said that yesterday" she says, I laugh a little. "the twins are outside with Brandon, I'm going to get ready" I say, "okay sweetie" she says as I run up the stairs.

I pick out a quick outfit and throw it on, I choose this:

I pick out a quick outfit and throw it on, I choose this:

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I text jack to see if I can come over.

Me: hey, can I come over for a while? xx

Noodlehead: right now, is not the best time, come by at 6? Xx

Me: okay, sure xx

I keep wondering why jack is putting off out plans. What if he's with another girl and no one's telling me. What if he using me? Does he care about me at all? I wish someone would just tell me the truth.

Anyway, I'll go by at 6 to see what's going on. I text Avery to see if she wants to go to the mall since I'm bored and its 2, I've got ages until I see the boys. Plus, I need some new clothes.

Me: needing some new clothes, mall in an hour?

BESTFRIEND: hell yeah, need some new shoes

Me: finally, someone wants to hang out with me


Me: I'll tell you later

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