CHAPTER 47 [hi]

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The door opens. Jack. the only person I don't want to see. "sorry, I'll leave you to it" his voice goes weak when he says the last few words. He leaves and closes the door, I nearly went after him but I remember we're not together. I look down then back at Zach, "maybe we should go downstairs" he says scratching the back of his head.

Fuck it.

I pull Zach into a kiss, he kisses back immediately placing a hand on my cheek. It lasted a few seconds, but it was nice. "I know I wanted to take it slow, but I couldn't help it" I say, looking away since I'm blushing. He pulls my face, gently to look at him, he smiles. Oh, his smile. "I've been wanting to do that for days" he says, leaning don to kiss me again but this time a little longer.

We go outside to join the others, they're already in the pool. Zach runs and cannonballs in. "I'm going to put some music on" I shout while linking my phone to the speaker and picking some music. I look up to see jack looking out the window down at me. (A/N - I don't even if this is possible but you know, roll with it). he backs away from the window as soon as he sees me looking. I look down when I catch his eye. I feel guilty, he looks upset.

I play the music and decide to put my 'why don't we' playlist on for the boys. I laugh when they all start bursting out the lyrics. After a while, 'something different' comes on and they're all singing their parts. When jacks verse comes everyone goes quiet. "this is wrong, he should be here" I say, "Luna, he cheated on you and treated you like crap, how do you feel sorry for him right now" Corbyn says. "I don't know, probably because has locking himself in his room, away from all of us, and because he walked in on me and Zach inches away from kissing" I blurt out. All eyes fall on Zach.

"what" Zach shouts throwing his hands up, all eyes fall back on me, "you guys can't treat him like this, he's your best friend" I say, "he hurt you" Daniel says, "and I hurt him by kissing Zach in front of his face" I say, "please just make up with him, I don't care what you have to do. He was a dick yes, but he doesn't deserve to be shunned by his best friends" I say, "you are the kindest person I've ever met, how do you care more about everyone else than yourself" Jonah asks, "just the way I am" I say.

"I'm gonna go, you guys can talk to jack, tell me what happens I'll see you tomorrow" I say, "but you just got here" Corbyn says, "I know but I think I've had my dose of people time today" I say, "I'll walk you out" Zach says, "sure, let me get changed, I'll come down and say bye before I go" I say getting out of the pool.

I walk upstairs and pause when I get to jack door. I think about going in but I don't. I get changed in Zach's room. When I'm finished I walk out of Zach's room making sure to close the door behind me and start to head downstairs. I find myself stopping outside of jack's door again. I take a deep breathe then knock twice. "who is it" I hear, "err, its Luna" I say very shakily. The door opens and I see jack properly for the first time since the breakup.

"hi" he says.

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