CHAPTER 5 [jack or Zach]

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"kiss Zach" he says, my eyes widen, "what" I say, "dude, she has a boyfriend" Zach says, he doesn't know I broke up with him. "no, she doesn't, he's an ass, they broke up earlier" Avery says, I stare at her. "sorry" she says. I roll my eyes. "so, kiss him" Corbyn says, "for how long" I ask, "5 seconds" he says, I look at Zach, he's red. I look at jack, he looks annoyed.

"why not" I say, I lean over to Zach, and we join our lips in a kiss, it deepens every second. Zach moves his hand to cup my face. I feel some sparks but not as much as I thought they'd be. We break apart and start laughing. I laugh into his chest. I pull back to sit upright and everyone is looking. "okay then" Daniel says, "get some" Avery says, I hit her arm. She laughs. Jack look pissed but I ignore it. "me next" jack says, "k then kiss Luna" Daniel says, he smirks as he looks at me. He didn't even say he wanted a dare. "oh I am popular aren't I" I joke, he starts to walk over to me. "a dare is a dare" he says.

I start to feel all wobbly. He's staring into my eyes. He is so hot. Omg. "okay, but don't get me wet" I say, everyone stares at me awkwardly and jack laughs, "no, no, not like that it's just your, you all knew what I meant, dirty minds, whatever okay" he puts his hand on either side of me and bends down, I pull him down further, my hand on his neck, we kiss and fireworks go off.

He's an amazing kisser, sparks are flying, like literal fireworks. He moves his hand to my waist, our kiss deepens and our tongues become involved. I've lost how long we've been kissing. We pull apart and he smirks. His smirk itself makes me feel like jelly. Everyone's eyes are wide, and they have they mouths open in shock. "that was like 30 second loo" Avery says, "oh shut up no it wasn't" I say and give out a weak laugh. "yes, it was" everyone said in unison, except Zach. "awe is little Zachary jealous" Jonah teases, "shut up bro" Zach says and give out an awkward laugh.

We carry on the game. Throughout the game me and jack steal little glances at each other, and we've both caught each other starring more than once. Jonah had to answer who was hit best time, Avery had to sit on Daniels lap and Daniel had to answer who he'd rather date out of me or Avery. He said Avery which got a lot of awe's. Why has this game gone sexual? Jack had to give me a hickey and Zach had to let me give him one. Again, why is this game gone so sexual?

So, it's back to me now. "Luna" Avery starts, "truth or dare" she asks, "truth" I say, she thinks about it for a moment. "who was the better kisser, Zach or jack?" she says. Everyone goes 'ooooo'. I roll my eyes. "you can't ask me that" I say, "yes I can, it's the game" she says, "ugh, err" I start. Jack wins definitely but I don't want to be harsh on Zach. "it was close" I say, everyone nods, "but, err...jack" I say, "jack was the better kisser for me" I say, there are a lot of cheers, Jonah punches jacks arm, "yes then bro" he says, I roll my eyes. Jack looks at me and winks. I can feel myself blush.

"sorry Zach" I say, "nah its fine" he says and gives me a weak smile, I give him a hug. I feel bad. I look at the time and notice its 10:00pm. "omg, we should get going" I say, Avery looks at her phone, her eyes widen. "shit my mum is going to kill me" she says. "why don't you just stay here" Corbyn says. "we could but, are you sure" I say, "yeah" all the guys say. "I'll text my mum" I say, "same" Avery says.

"my mum said its fine" I say, "same" Avery says. "so, I guess were staying here" I say. We stay talking for a few more hours, then we decide to go to bed. Zach and Jonah leave to their rooms first, then Daniel and Avery head to Daniels room together. Jonah then decides to leave leaving just me and jack.

"want to sleep in my room" he asks, "sure" I say, "okay let's go" he says, I follow him to his room. As soon as we get in he takes he shirt off and gets a towel out of bathroom to dry off. I'm starring again, he turns around and sees me looking. "earth to Luna" I hear him say, "what, oh sorry" I laugh, "err, do u have a shirt or something I can sleep in?" I ask, "yeah sure, pick a shirt, you can keep it I don't mind" he says, "okay" I say.

I look and find a shirt I like. "I'll go in the bathroom and get changed" I say, "well you could get changed here" jack smirks "going in the bathroom" I say, we both laugh. I knew he was kidding. I'm going to sleep in the same room as jack. A really hot, funny, and amazing guy. Oh god.

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