🎈03. 🎈

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I quietly opened he door to my home and walked in. I locked the door and walked upstairs quietly. Once I made it to my room I changed into clean clothes and walked into the bathroom.

I stared at the person standing in front of the mirror and widened my eyes; dried blood stained my nose and lips. Small twigs were caught in my hair as my face was covered in dirt. I quickly washed my face and took the twigs out of my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom and into my mom's room, "hey mom" I said quietly.

"Nicole, sush" she said as she stopped what she was doing for a quick second.

I walked a little closer to her and smiled at her beautiful panting, "it's beautiful Mom" I said as i admired the ravishing canvass.

She puts all her heart and life into a single painting. Each master piece is considered absolutely perfect. The delicate way she holds the paint brush makes each design perfect; all the small details were clearly taken the time necessary to reach such an immaculate design. Each color was appealing to the eye, ranging from light colors to dark colors.

"Can I get water please?" She asked softly. She still didn't look up from her painting.

"Yeah of course" I smiled as I walked over to the side of her bed to grab the beaker, "you painted Jess again Mom... why don't you paint something different?" I asked a I poured a little bit of water into a cup.

"Forgot her already?" She questioned.

I licked my lips as I grabbed the cup and walked over to her, "no" I mumbled as my eyes swelled up with tears, "we should do something this summer, we should go to the park" I said with a wide smile, "we could have a picknick and make sandwiches, like old times" I smiled.

"That's exactly what that is, old times. Your sister is gone Nicole, nothing will ever go back to the way they used to be." she said annoyed as she took the cup from me.

I nodded as I took a step back, "Okay mom. I'll leave you alone now." I said as I walked out of her room, closing the door behind me.

I ran to my room and I closed the door while bitting down on my shirt from preventing letting out a sob. I gasped for air as I wiped my tears away. I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach, aching.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening them. Pitch black. Every angle I turned was pitch black. I backed up against a wall and looked around in terror. A ball formed in my throat as I tried to scream for help. I closed my eyes; I'm hallucinating, I'm imagining all of this, This isn't real, It's a dream, it's a daydream. I opened my eyes once again.


With those words a bright red ballon popped in front of my face. I let out a loud scream as I ran out of my room and into my mom's. I ran over to her side with shaky hands as I held onto her.

"What is wrong with you!" My Mom gasped as she tried getting away from me.

I gasped for air as tears fell from my eyes, "I-I was in my room and.. and it went back then a red ballon j-just popped in front of my face and I heard boo-" I explained everything very quickly as my tears stained my shirt.

"It's your imagination Nicole!" She yelled as she looked at the door and then back at me, "face your own battles." she said as she returned back to her seat that faced the window.

I looked at her with pleading eyes and slowly made my way out. I looked at my room in complete terror.

I'm terrified of going back.

Losers' Club //Richie Tozier//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang