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Darkness isn't so scary anymore. The stars that shine upon me are soothing and makes me feel comfortable. But Richie by far is the best thing. He holds my hand as we stare at the billion starts surrounding us tonight.

"This is fucking crazy." Richie chuckled as he licked his lips.

I realized I never stopped staring at him, "What is?" I asked as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Never in a million years did I ever think that I would be friends with you, or even talk to you. But here we are in a park at night." He said with a small smile.

"I know.. I'm with a loser." I joked as I looked away.

"Who's with the biggest bitch in history." He shot back.

"I hate you." I said.

"Do you?" He asked.

I nodded my head, "you're annoying, ugly, and have thick glasses." I joked.

"You dress like shit, look like shit, and have blue hair." He said. I let out a small laugh as i squeezed his hand, "stay here, I'll be back." He said as he sat up and began walking down the steps.

"Where are you going?" I asked alarmed as I quickly sat up.

"I need to pee, unless you want to come?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"You're disgusting." I said as I laid back down.

He let out a small laugh before walking away to some shrubs far away. I took in a deep breath as I closed my eyes for a few seconds.


I opened my eyes annoyed as I sat up again, "I thought you were-" Richie was no where in sight, "Richie?" I should've know better by now, it was not fucking richie who called out my name.

"Oh Nicky." A small whisper erupted behind me.

My body paralyzed in fear as I my heart stopped beating. My sweaty palms gripped the metal poles tightly as I stood up. My legs were stiff and it took every strength in my hands to help me up. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes as I looked around.

"I-I'm... Im not s-scared." Im fucking terrified! My shaking legs are barley keeping me up and I'm extremely close to fainting.

In the smallest murmur yet still blood-curling voice, I clearly heard, "run."

Without thinking twice I jumped off the playground onto the hard grass and took of running.

"Richie!" I screamed as I wiped away the tears that blurred my vision, "Richie!" I screamed again as I ran like hell.

"I'm gonna gotcha!" A voice said behind me as a violent force tripped me and pulled me by my feet. I quickly got up and kept on running.

As I ran I turned around and saw nothing. My screaming still didn't stop, I thought I was going to scream for an eternity.

I crashed into something hard and we both collapsed to the grass.

"What the fuck?" Richie asked as I quickly got up and looked around.

"You didn't hear or see anything?" I asked as I ran a hand through my hair. My eyes were wide as I flinched at every leaf falling and the bright stars scraping against the dark sky.

"Hear or see what?" He questioned as he stood up and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"I.. i um-" I couldn't even form words to describe this entire situation.

How do you even to begin to explain shit like this?! How do you put in words that you're being haunted by a fucking clown or better yet your little sister who's been missing and declared dead by the police but they don't say it out loud and keep saying that the case is still open but it's really not because it's a case that leads to nowhere!

"I heard you screaming my name and I thought someone was fucking chasing you-"

"I thought there was a homeless chasing me, the darkness is playing tricks on my eyes." I said as I let out small breaths. I quickly whipped the tears from my eyes and looked around one last time.

Just like last time I can't tell Richie; he'll think I'm absolutely insane.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he looked around.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, let's go." I said as I grabbed his arm tightly and began to pull him the fuck out of that park.

A perfect night ended in a complete disaster.

Losers' Club //Richie Tozier//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora