🎈89. 🎈

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A/N: Please read the message at the bottom! Get ready and Enjoy! ❤️


I pushed open the door and took in the musty scent that slapped me across the face the second i took a step inside the house. I licked my dry lips as my heavy breathing didn't show any signs of slowing down any time soon.

As we began to walk further into the house a voice spoke behind me.


We all turned around and saw that Stan was standing right outside the house refusing to come inside.

"Stan we all have to go." Bill said, "B-B-Beverly was right, if we split up like last time that clown will kill us one by one but if we s-stick together... all of us, we'll win." Bill said, "I promise."

Don't get too cocky Bill, don't promise him something that might not be true please just don't because i feel like you're making me a promise too.

"Stan, we won't let anything happen to you." I said as i slowly walked over to him, "Here..." I said quietly as i stretched my hand out.

It took him a while before he took my hand in his and stepped inside the house. I smiled slightly as we both walked slowly to the front where i originally stood. He probably didn't need this much comfort but i know i did. With his other free hand he gripped his flashlight tightly.

We all began to walk down the stairs of what I'm guessing is the basement. I tensed up as i saw the well and Stan's sweaty hand gripped mine tightly. I winced in pain but i didn't notice i was gripping his just as tight. We walked up to the well and stood around it.

"Hey Eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie joked.

"I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing." Eddie responded as they all shinned their flashlights down the well.

"Beverly!" Ben's voice echoed down the walls of the well.

"How are we supposed to get down there?" Mike asked as he looked around. He walked over to something that laid in the darkness and i turned to look at Stan.

I squeezed his hand tightly and looked into his eyes, "Stop shaking." I whispered, "Don't be scared, we're going to be fine." I said as I licked my lips.

He nodded his head as his scared eyes looked down at me, "But... I'm not the one shaking, its you." He mumbled.

I looked away and watched as Mike tugged on a rope that he had set up. Bill gripped the rope tightly as he began to lure himself down. Then followed Eddie. They tried to make me go next but i rather have everyone go before me. After Ben finally climbed down Mike reached for the rope to climb down. I gripped the sides of the well as i looked down at Bill who peaked his head from a hole that they were all in.

I heard a sudden burst of commotion and a loud yell from behind and i quickly turned around to see Mike hunched over groaning in agony and then suddenly he was flung back.

"Henry!" I yelled as i widened my eyes. His face dripped with blood and i felt my breath hitch in my throat as he gripped my neck tightly and threw me across the dirty floor. I began to cough loudly and gagged a few times.

Losers' Club //Richie Tozier//Where stories live. Discover now