🎈85. 🎈

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I heard the front door open and Isabelle walked in while taking off her bucket hat that hung over her forehead.

"Two more days of this fucking job and I'm done." She sighed as she began to walk upstairs.

"How was it?" I asked as I followed her upstairs, "and why are you home so late?"

"My stupid boss asked me to stay a little bit of extra time to watch the kids until they fell asleep. I don't get it, it's not a real camp because they're less than a mile away from home." She scoffed as she walked into the bathroom to wash her hands, "it was tiring and loud and boring. Where's dad?" She asked.

She definitely stayed pretty late. It was 10:00pm now.

"He called, said he would be home a bit later than usual." I said as she walked out of the bathroom and into her room.

I stood against the doorway as she took off her clothes and changed into a pair of yoga pants and a loose hoodie.

"What have you been up to today?" She asked as she got down on her knees in front of her bag while her back was facing me.

"Something interesting happened actually." I said as my heart began to beat faster.

"Oh yeah? What?" She asked as she unzipped her suitcase.

"I got a call from the bank."

She turned around with her eyebrows knitted together, "What?" She asked.

I nodded my head, "Yeah. It was really weird because they said that Mrs. Velox took out money from dad's account again." I said.

"Mom?" She asked as she turned back around to her suitcase. She began to look for something in the pile of clothes she just threw in there.

I shook a bottle that I pulled out from my back pocket, "looking for these?" I asked as I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat.

She stood up from the floor and turned around to look at me with her watery eyes, "it's not what it looks like." She said quietly.

"It's not? So you didn't stash away a bag of coke in your suitcase along with a few pills you love to pop all day long?" I asked as my nostrils flared wildly.

"Cole... it's not what it looks like I swear." She said as she shook her head side to side.

"Tell me it's not what it looks one more fucking time, I dare you!" I shouted.


"And you stole money from dad! Money that we needed! And now you stole more! How could you Isabelle?!" I said as I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"I needed it okay!" She said as hot tears ran down her cheeks.

"For what?! To buy this shit?!" I yelled as I threw the bottle against the wall. The cap flew off and the pills spilled all over the floor, "you were never clean." I said as I threw the baggie on the floor, "you were never honest." I said as my vision became blurry again.

"I did't mean it Cole, I promise." She said as she walked closer to me. I put my hand up to make her stop, "I still want you to come with me. I love you-"

"Stop lying!" I screamed as the tears wouldn't stop falling, "stop fucking lying to me for once in your life!" I said as I quickly walked over to her and pushed her as hard as I could, "You came back for money and guess what? You got it and you don't care about who you hurt in the process! I'm so stupid for falling for your fucking tricks again!" I sobbed loudly. I couldn't control it anymore and I didn't want to.

"I'm sorry." She said as she cried quietly.

I wiped away my tears angrily, "I trusted you with everything, I-I loved you so much and it hurts. It's hurts so much." I said honestly, "how could you? I-is it because you knew how vulnerable I was? We talked about Jess, Richie, mom! We actually talked instead of fight and we used our words and not our fists, we loved each other and didn't hate, we had so much fun! I don't understand!"

"I didn't mean too..." she cried.

"Dad works too fucking hard for your disappointing self and I won't stand here and let you ruin this fucking family one more time. I just won't." I said as I took in a deep breath, "Isabelle... pick up your suitcases and leave." I said as I crossed my arms and let the warm tears keep falling.

"Cole... please-"

"I won't tell dad about this because he's been hurt too many times by us and I don't think he'll be able to handle another one of your fucking mistakes. You're nothing but a fuck up Isabelle and a lying bitch. Get your shit and get the fuck out of here." I said as I eyed her carefully.

I watched as she bent over to close her suitcase and picked it up from the floor. She walked over to the open bottle and began to pick up every pill that went flying on the floor. I let out a sarcastic laugh. What human does this? But she's no human she's a monster. I should of know.

Once she picked up the bottle and bag of coke. She shoved them in her pocket and looked at me one last time with watery eyes before walking downstairs. I could hear her sobs that echoed through the walls. I heard the front door open and close and just like that she was gone.

I closed my eyes as I let out another sob. My back slid down the wall and I was crying alone just like always. I tried so hard to stop it but it was impossible. I gasped for air as I screamed into my hands. I thought I would never stop crying because the tears wouldn't stop falling.

Everything hurt. It hurt so much that at the moment I wanted to pass out or not be here because then maybe it would stop hurting so much. This is something I haven't felt since Jess disappeared. I didn't even feel this way when mom went crazy and locked herself in her room to paint paintings with a morbid backstory.

I felt so much at once and I felt like I was going to throw up my insides. I cried and cried and there was no signs of stopping until I was left taking in gasps of fresh air.

I don't know how I was sitting on my bed or how I got back into my room. But i kept looking down at my feet. Dried up tears stained my cheeks.

The front door opened and closed and I heard heavy footsteps come up the staircase. The first thing my dad saw was Isabelle's empty room. Nothing but a neatly done bed and drawers pulled out revealing nothing but a bit of dust. He quietly gasped as he turned around and looked straight into my room.

"Cole... where's Isabelle?" He asked.

I let out a small breath as I looked up at him. I shrugged my shoulders, "s-she left without me." I said as I looked back down at the floor.

He sighed as he walked into my room and sat next to me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and I couldn't help but begin to cry again. I felt this feeling inside of me, more guilt, possibly. I was keeping the truth from him but I know this is probably for the best, we're all hanging by a thread.

But I think mine just broke.

❤️Happy Friday!❤️
Honestly, I kind of cried a bit while writing this. But I hope everyone enjoyed! (P.S. Have you guys heard about Jacob and Millie? I don't know what to think. I have no clue if it's real or fake so I can't say much about it.😬)

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