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-1 Week Later-

I watched as Phoebe took off my ankle brace after he took off the one on my wrist.

"Does it still hurt?" he asked as he looked up at me. I shook my head side to side as I rolled my ankle in small circular motions, "Let me help you stand up." he said as he stood up from the floor and grabbed one of my arms while my dad grabbed the other.

"Take it easy." my dad warned.

I stood up and lost my balance at first but my dad and Phoebe held me a bit tighter. I took a few steps until I reached the door and turned around. I let go of their hands and pushed them aside.

"Easy Cole," Phoebe said. I took a few steps forward and felt my ankle cramping up. I stood still for a couple of seconds before continuing my journey to my bed. The last step I took I almost fell onto my bed, "Good job." Phoebe smiled as he looked down at me, "we'll still keep you off it, at least for a couple more days." he said, "Okay, your wrist is completely healed, that's good news. Your abdomen stitches are healing beautifully and the bleeding in your eye is completely gone. Also, your hearing is back and the swelling in your nose is going down. Your fingers are going to take longer, they were broken so they'll take more time. Lastly... your voice." he said.

"Today's the day." my dad said with a small smile.

"It is." Phoebe said with a small grin on his lips, "Your voice is going to sound very different at first, very groggy but as you speak more and drink water it'll go back to normal in a few days." he said as he grabbed the paper cup that sat still on the table. He handed it to me and I sipped on the straw, "You ready?" he asked with a small smile. I nodded my head slowly as i gripped the white sheets thightly, "Repeat after me, and if it hurts too much just stop." he said. He took a moment before speaking again, "Spoon."

I took in a deep breath through my nose, "S-sp..."

"It's okay, take your time." Phoebe said with a reassuring smile.

I blinked slowly as I opened my eyes and licked my lips, "S...spoon." I muttered. I looked up at Phoebe, "Spoon." I repeated as i reached up to touch my throat gently.

"That's very good." He said as he rubbed my back, "Now try, razzing."

I nodded my head as I tried to sound out the word in my head, "razz... ra-" I let out a breath of frustration.

"Don't get frustrated Cole, just keep trying." My dad said.

"Razz... razzing." I said, "r-razzing." I repeated as I looked at My dad and then Phoebe.

"That's great." Phoebe smiled, "last word, Dazzle."

Okay Cole, don't stutter. Think about it
and sound it out carefully. Don't stutter, don't hesitate just say it.

I took in a deep breath, "Dazzle." I said quietly as I looked up at Phoebe, "Dazzle."

"No stuttering, that's amazing." He said as he gave me a warm smile, "whats your name?" He asked.

"M-my... my name is Cole V...Velox." I said as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Very good." Phoebe smiled, "last question, how old are you?" He asked.

Losers' Club //Richie Tozier//Where stories live. Discover now