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I have found myself in the middle of a dilemma. I don't know if I should keep pushing Richie or if I should just stay away from it. I have so many thoughts and problems going through me at the moment: Richie's situation, hiding from Henry, money, etc. I don't even know why I'm scared of Henry, I don't think it's fright just the simple fact that I'm sick and tired of fighting with a worthless piece of shit like him.

"Stop doing that, it's fucking scary." Isabelle said as she waved her hand in front of my face.

I rolled my eyes, "I can't help it. You bore me to actually death." I said.

"Well... I'm off to work. First day, wish me luck." She said as she stood up from the couch.

"Where's your safari outfit?" I giggled.

"It's not a safari outfit you dumbass... and they're suppose to give it to me once I'm over there so bye." She said as she left without another word.

I laughed to myself quietly before standing up myself and slipping on my shoes. I waited a few minutes after Isabelle left to leave myself.

My summer has been taken away from me. I'm always either running from something, arguing with Richie, crying myself to sleep, or getting hurt. But it's the things in between that makes this summer not so bad. I made friends with the kids I used bully, I met Richie, I stood up to Blower a few times. But then again... it all comes back to one thing, It.

I don't think it's normal to act like nothing's wrong. It's not okay but I don't know what to do about it. Everyday I wake up with a big smile on my face but there's a feeling I can never shake off... dread. I feel it in my bones, in the pit of my stomach, my thumping my heart, my pulsing head, and running through my veins. I wake up with the mentality that today might be my last day because that thing can wipe me out in a matter of seconds, I'm surprised it hasn't yet.

I don't understand how it manages to terrorize everyone in the group, except Richie. It doesn't make sense. Nothing about this makes sense! It appears in what I fear the most but there's another feeling that surfaces.

My knuckles knocked against the hard door. I waited a minute before someone answered. I smiled softly as her icy-blue eyes looked into my boring brown ones.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey you." She smiled as she opened the door wider for me to enter. She looked at her watch and a look of relief washed over her beautiful features.

"I haven't seen you in a few days." I said as I looked around her home. I've always seen her building but I've never actually been inside. It's... messy and it has an odor I can't pin down.

She nodded her head as she led me to her room, "yeah... what happened?" She asked.

I sighed loudly as we entered her room, "you know... Richie and I... we just got in a fight." I said as I licked my lips.

"Another one?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

I sat on her bed, "Beverly, I don't know what to do." I said honestly as I rubbed my face, "I don't think a 14-year-old should be stressing like this, or am I wrong?" I asked.

"Cole... you and Richie are so alike and it could a good thing but again... it could be a completely shit festival." She expressed.

Losers' Club //Richie Tozier//Where stories live. Discover now