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I spent two days in that room. It hurt to lay on my side but I did it anyways. I faced the white walls day and night, blinking slowly and not sleeping at all. For two days I didn't sleep. I could hear my dad coming in and out of my room and I also heard Richie, once.

Richie, i think you should go home. Cole is in a very vulnerable state.
Dad said.

I just wanted everyone to leave me the fuck alone. Not even a bit of curiosity came upon me of how dad knows Richie. I just need everyone to just disappear and stop asking me if i need more pillows or if I need to use the restroom i just need everyone to shut the fuck up and leave me alone!

My eyes remained glued to one spot on the wall. They blinked slowly as Phoebe came over to my side and sat on the bed.

"Look what I got you." he said quietly as he pulled out a pudding cup form his coat, "i know you're not suppose to have pudding but you're already not eating solid food so might as well." he said as he set it aside and smiled.

"No." I said. My throat is completely crushed and i managed to say small words like no and yes. It hurts like hell but it's the only way to communicate.

"Don't talk, I know it hurts but you can't right now." he said as he began to open the pudding cup.

"No." I said louder. He sighed as he set the pudding cup aside, "T-tell me... What is wrong with me?" Every word that came out of my mouth hurt. It burned my throat and it almost brought tears to my eyes.

"Get some rest." he said as he stood up and began walking away.

I grabbed the pudding cup and threw it against the wall, staining them with the brown substance, "Tell me!" I shouted. Shortly after i began coughing hysterically. I took in deep breaths to calm myself down.

He came back and sat at the edge of my bed with a yellow folder in his hands, "I don't think-" I cut him off by shaking the metal poles at the edge of my bed rapidly, "Okay just calm down." he said as he opened the folder. I watched his eyebrows furrow as he looked down at the information in the folder, "The reason you passed out was because of internal bleeding due to your liver and spleen, meaning that from all the kicks you took to the stomach, they were going at such a high speed that your blood vessels were crushed. There was no other way to help you but to open you up. You have three broken ribs, which were already treated. You have a nasal fracture... which means a broken nose. While the other doctors fixed you from your liver and spleen another doctor and I performed a closed reduction surgery. We realigned your nose. They fractured three out of ten fingers, two on your left and one on your right. The ligaments on your right wrist were torn, meaning that the tissue connecting your joints and bones is torn. They didn't break your arm but they did sprain it, the same goes to for your left ankle. Almost a break but not enough. You also have a Hyphema, bleeding in your eye. That's why it hurts, also why you can hardly see in that eye, and why you're extremely sensitive to light. Im guessing what caused this was when those idiots hit you they got you in the eye...it should heal on it's own in a week. I'm aware that you might have noticed but in your left ear, 10% of your hearing is gone. There is a possibility that you'll get it back in a couple of days. And your vocal cords, like i mentioned before they are completely crushed. You're voice will experience changes in the next few days. There is complications with your breathing and we are aware that this can become something much more so we're planning on scheduling throat surgery... the nerve damage is too much and we need to go in there and fix it. You can speak at the moment but it will hurt like hell and it will damage your cords even more, so please don't-" I put my hand up, indicating that i've heard enough. I looked away as my eyes swelled up with tears. I pointed at the door as i let out a shaky breath through my mouth, "they will get arrested, don't worry." he said as he walked out of my room while closing the door behind him.

His father is the sheriff of Derry and there is nothing i can do about it. Not even a near death experience can put those goons behind bars, there's no hope.

There's just pain.

Losers' Club //Richie Tozier//Where stories live. Discover now