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My eyes opened slowly. I couldn't fully open them until a minute later when I batted my eyelashes.

I groaned as I turned my head to the side. A pain erupted through out the back of my head and onto the bone structure of my face.

I saw Phoebe resting on a chair next to me. His left cheek rested on the chair as his eyes were closed and his lips slightly parted.

I let out a loud whimper as I tried to sit up. Phoebe quickly woke up and rushes to my side.

"No, lay back down. You have to rest." He said as he pushed me down gently. I squinted my eyes at the bright light that illuminated the white room. I laid back down and groaned as my head made contact with the harsh pillow, "Take it easy." He warned as he looked down at me with a worried look. His eyes were still tired but he pushed through it.

"What time is it?" I asked as I licked my dry lips. I swallowed a mouthful of spit to try to make my throat a bit wet.

He became aware and grabbed a small beaker and poured water into a paper cup, "2:34am." He said as he checked his watch. He set a hand under my chin just Incase water decided to spill from the sides of my mouth. He tilted the cup enough for me to drink small portions, "you took a bad fall." He reminded.

I nodded my head, "Yeah... I was running down the stairs and I guess I missed the last step or something." I said as I wiped my mouth gently, "where's my dad?" I asked.

"He tried to wait until you woke up but poor man was struggling to stay awake. I convinced him to go back home and sleep. I told him I would stay with you all night." He said.

I nodded my head, "what happened?" I asked.

"You hit your head pretty hard and cracked it open a bit but I made sure to fix you up." He said with a slight smile, "but once your dad got home you gave him a big scare. He said you wouldn't wake up and he called an ambulance and then that was that." He sighed, "You also gave me a scare. You were like that for hours and you lost a bit of blood."

I nodded my head, "I have a headache." I admitted.

"Of course you do." He smiled as he took a seat, "with enough water it'll pass." He said.

I looked away from him and intertwined my fingers on top of my belly.

"I'm not mad at you anymore." I said quietly.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm not mad at you anymore." I repeated as I continued to stare at the ceiling while squinting my eyes. He noticed and dimmed the lights. I stopped squinting, "I wanted to know more about Richie and you wouldn't tell me. I guess it doesn't matter anymore. But I'm not mad, I get your point of view now." I said as I licked my lips again.

He took in a deep breath, "How is Richie?" He asked.

How do I answer this question? This is one of the reasons why i freaked out and ended up here, isn't it? So how in the hell do I answer this question.

"I don't know." I finally said after a while, "it's been over three weeks and I haven't talked to him or even seen him. So I don't know how Richie is, Phoebe."

Losers' Club //Richie Tozier//Where stories live. Discover now