Chapter 38

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*Your POV*
Everyone gathers around and Polly starts opening presents. Jug's standing up and I'm leaning on his shoulder.

"Oh! Thanks guys!" Polly says, holding up a lamb thing. I don't even know what they're called, okay?

"Okay, now (Y/N)'s." Betty says.

"It's from the both of us." I say, and Jug smiles. Polly smiles at us, and Betty just gives her the present. She opens it and reveals the cute baby outfit and toys.

Jug looks over at me. "Really?"

"What?" I punch his arm. "I'm not good at these things, alright?" he laughs. "Plus, it's not like you got her anything."

"But I thought that was from the both of us."

"It is." I laugh, and he does too.

"Thank you guys." Polly says, and puts it away. She gets another present and opens it. It's some type of nightlight. "It's my nightlight. When I was a little kid." The crowd exclaims, "How did you, where did you even.."

"I saved it." Alice says, "I know how much you loved it and how it made you feel safe. And I wanted you to be able to pass it down to your own baby one day."

"Alice, it's lovely." Hermione says.

"Open ours next, dear." Penelope says. The door opens and everyone looks over. It's Archie. He walks passed everyone and comes over to Jug and I.

"You were protecting him. That's why you didn't tell me." He starts.

"Relax." Jug says. "What happened?"

"Did you know that Jughead's father is  Serpent?" he asks me. Betty and Veronica come over to us.

Jug quickly looks over at me, "No..." I say.

"That's why he tried to stop me from going to the bar, so I wouldn't find out."

"No, okay Andrews," I take his shoulder and turn him around, and lead him to the door, everyone's staring at me. "this is Polly's moment. You have to leave." I take him to the door and shut it and we're in the hallway.

I cross my arms, "Um, okay, is Jug's dad being a serpent really that big of a deal?" I ask, and we start walking down the hall.

He sighs. "I don't know..I guess,"

"You better not be getting any thoughts on Jug taking on what he's doing." He doesn't say anything, and I stop and look at him. "Oh, my God."

"Look, I'm sorry, (Y/N). But, I mean, haven't you ever thought that he was a little different?"

"You can't be serious right now. You're having this conversation with me? His girlfriend? Sorry, bud but I'm not the person you want to be having this discussion with." We keep walking.

"Right..I'm sorry." We don't talk for a second, only walk, and we reach outside. "Hey, shouldn't you like, go back in there with them?"

I chuckle, "I don't really want to. Baby showers aren't really my thing. Plus, I can already tell that Penelope and Alice are gonna start this huge chaotic fight that no one wants to see."

We end up walking to the park, and sitting down in the grass. My phone dings and it's Jug.

(Y/N), I'm sorry, but please come back. I know you two left the building. Everyone's gone now.

To Jughead👑💖:
I will later. Don't worry.

I put my phone down, and Archie's phone dings. He looks at it. "Crap. It's my dad. I'm so grounded when I get home." We both stand up.

"Well, good luck with that." I say.


I raise my eyebrow, "About what?"

"About, crashing the party and making you leave. And, for telling you that FP is a serpent when Jug should've told you."

I sigh, "Arch, it's fine."

"Okay." He pecks me on the forehead. Don't worry, it's a friendly kiss. He knows that, I know that, and he knows that I know that. Plus, he's with Val. "Bye." He says.

"Bye." He walks away.


I put my phone in my pocket and walk back to the apartment and go inside. Jug sits up from the couch and looks over at me. "Hey.." he says.

I smile, "Hi." I close the door.

A confused look grows on his face, "Wait..are you mad?"

I sigh, "No. I'm just shocked."

"Well, I should've told you about my dad when I had the chance."

"So, why didn't you?"

"I was ashamed." He looks down, "And scared of what you would think of me."

I walk over to him, "Jug, I'm not scared of you. Hell, I don't even care that FP is a Serpent, because I know that you're nothing like him." I hold his hand. "But, if we're gonna be together, from now on I want to know who you are. All of it."

He nods his head, "Okay."

"Okay. But, we should go talk to your dad. He, might know something about Jason."

"Alright." We walk out and drive to the trailer park. We walk up to his, and Jug opens the door.

"Jughead, (Y/N)." FP says.

"Dad." Jug replies, and we step into the trailer.

"Why don't you guys sit down?" he says, clearing some space on the couch.

"This, isn't really a social call."

"No, I didn't expect it would be after Archie showed up at the bar."

"We know the Serpents had some kind of drug thing going on with Jason Blossom."

"What?" he puts his arms out, "Where'd you hear that?"

"Jason's girlfriend, Betty's sister." I say.

He sighs and puts his hands on his face. "The kid needed some money to get away." He sat down on the couch. "A clean-cut kid like that, no one's gonna suspect him of running, so we helped him, he helped us."

"Jeez, Dad. Did you tell the cops that?"

"What do you think?"

I look down, "Well, they know now. Polly told them." I say.

"So if they haven't been by yet, they will be." Jug finishes.

"Did you ever talk to Jason? Personally?" I ask.

"My guys gave him some product. When it wasn't delivered, we figured he'd took of with our stash, until,"

"Until Jason's body was found at Sweetwater River." I say.

There's a moment of silence (AGAIN DAMN) FP raises his eyebrows, "Anything else you wanna ask?"

"Did you have anything to do with Jason Blossom's death?"

"You really think I could do that?"

"It's the dark ages, Dad. I don't really know what to think anymore." He shrugs.

FP glances to the side, "I'm not a perfect father, Jughead, no getting around that, but..." he looks up at us, "I'm no killer."

"Okay." Jug says, and we leave the trailer. When we're far enough away, I take his hand, and stop walking.

"Do you believe him?" I ask.

"I do." We both nod. "Do you?"

"I believe you, Jughead." I cup his face with my hands, and he does the same and kisses me. It's more than just a normal kiss, it was more filled with passion this time...and I don't know why. But it seemed extra special.

Word Count: 1182

[A/N]: idk how you guys feel about (Y/N) taking a lot of Betty's lines, and I'm sorry bout that. But it's a (Y/N) x jug book so ya know

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